
Magento Extension
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This extensions is for Bundle Products ONLY. If you wish to display bundled items images on product view page of Bundle Product, then you are few clicks away from it.

If you found 404 page after installation. Logout magento admin and login again, and it will work like a charm.

After installation:
admin > configuration > BUNDLEOPTIONS SETTINGS > general.

You can configure images for different input types they are:
Radio, Checkbox.
And with input type SELECT, you can change the base image with corresponding selected option.

You can add background color to selected bundled item as well.

You can drop me a mail if you have any suggestion and found any problem with this extension.
I will feel happy.

NOTE: This extension is based upon the Magento's default theme, so you may require to change CSS a lilttle bit according to your theme requirements.

Releases (3)

Date Version Notes

Compatible with 1.8, quick view and images size configuration. Stable version.


This release only include changing/displaying images of bundled items. But the next will include Quick view of Options with type checkboxes and Radio.

Fixed the bug in a case, when a bundle product don't have a select option.


This release only include changing/displaying images of bundled items. But the next will include Quick view of Options with type checkboxes and Radio.