
Magento Extension
Download latest - 0.1.0

Secure Acceptance Web/Mobile is one of the payment integration method available for CyberSource.

CyberSource Secure Acceptance Web/Mobile allows businesses to accept payments made online, over the phone, and through mobile devices without ever handling toxic payment data, significantly reducing PCI DSS scope. It includes many additional benefits that reduce the burden and complexity of payment acceptance for IT departments and improves the checkout process for consumers.


- Tested for Magento version -
- Upgrade Proof Module.
- Easy to install & configure.
- Option to enable/disable.
- Other Options for payment settings.

Installation / Configuration:

1> Install from magentoconnect using key: "".
2> After installation go to Admin: System >> Configuration >> Sales >> Payment Methods >> CyberSource Secure Acceptance WM >> Manage your payment setting here.

Enabled: Yes
Title: Cybersource Secure Acceptance WM
*Access Key: xxxxxxxxxxx [Get the values from your CyberSource Backoffice]
*Profile ID: xxxxx
*Secret Key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
New Order Status: Pending
Mode: Test
Debug: Yes
Payment from applicable countries: All Allowed Countries
Payment from Specific countries:
Sort Order: 1
* : You have to create a profile on Cybersource Business Center and use the related values.

Installation Notes:

0> Disable the Cache before Installation or Refresh the Cache after Installation.
1> If you get 'Access Denied' error in System > Configuration, then try to logout & re-login.
2> If you have custom theme then try to copy the following files:



Live Demo:
Available on Request


Quote / Support:
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CactiMedia Team

Releases (1)

Date Version Notes
2014-01-26 0.1.0

- Secure Acceptance Web/Mobile is one of the payment integration method available for CyberSource.