
Magento Extension
Download latest - 1.0.0

For every shopping website developed using Magento technology, it is much required by admin to have a module that would add shipping charges according to the products individually or category wise. This product extension is a feasible solution to this requirement, and using this extension admin will be able to apply flat rate shipping charges to products individually or across categories. The extension allows admin to define an individual shipping rate for a product under category or set a default rate for that category.

Releases (1)

Date Version Notes
2014-12-04 1.0.0

For every shopping website developed using Magento technology, it is much required by admin to have a module that would add shipping charges according to the products individually or category wise. This product extension is a feasible solution to this requirement, and using this extension admin will be able to apply flat rate shipping charges to products individually or across categories. The extension allows admin to define an individual shipping rate for a product under category or set a default rate for that category.