
Magento Extension
Download latest - 0.1.6

Chippin is a shared payment gateway that allows you, the merchant, the ability to offer group buying for a single order. This means that a customer can split the cost of a purchase with their friends/family.

At the end of your checkout process, you redirect to Chippin with the basic details of the customer and your own unique order reference. At this point, the customer can invite their friends and family to ‘chippin’ for the item(s) they are purchasing.

Chippin is a simple ‘plug-in’ that integrates quickly and seamlessly into any merchant’s online checkout. It enables consumers to easily split the cost of an online transaction safely and securely to their own and the merchant’s benefit.

Releases (3)

Date Version Notes
2016-12-08 0.1.6

Make new order status configurable

2016-10-03 0.1.4

Add version display to the admin configuration
Example callback URLs are now based on the default store base_url
The quotes now remain active until final paid status

2016-08-09 0.1.3

Removed the sending of shipping lines to the payment gateway.