
Magento Extension

* precision algorithm

Releases (16)

Date Version Notes

* add trasact tables

2017-05-09 2.1.3

* update sdk and structure view cash


* Fixing Providers


* Fixing Providers

2017-01-25 2.1.1

* Feature: Place correct info in order description and history

2017-01-18 2.1.0

* Feature: Currency Exchange for USD EUR GBP
* Bug-Fix: Conflic resolution in providers selector

2016-09-27 2.0.1

* Bug: Correct GrandTotal order validation for providers

2016-09-19 2.0.0

* Feature: Auto register webhook
* Feature: Error Message in admin configuration
* Feature: Providers filter by amount
* Feature: Restructure view styles
* Feature: Add option for logo title
* Feature: Add transaction tables for manage webhoo aprovations
* Remove: Compropago_Model_Api file
* Require: compropago/php-sdk == 2.0.0
* Require: PHP >= 5.5

2016-07-07 1.1.2

## 7/07/2016 v1.1.2
* Feature: Auto restriccion de proveedores por monto de compra

2016-06-28 1.1.1

## 28/06/2016 v1.1.1
* Feature: App client name capture
* Feature: App client version capture

2016-06-15 1.1.0

## 10/06/2016 v1.1.0
* Feature: Seleccion de proveedores
* Feature: Normalizacion de vista de seleccion de proveedores
* Feature: Validacion de proveedor obligatorio
* Feature: Captura de telefono de cliente


Validation Order Id

2016-05-02 1.0.3

Validation Order Id

2016-02-19 1.0.2

Fixed minor Bugs

2016-01-25 1.0.1

Fixed minor Bugs

2015-12-21 1.0.0

Fixed minor Bugs