
Magento Extension
Download latest - 3.2.4

When you install the integration, all contact, order and shop cart data from Magento will be automatically synchronized and stored in Copernica. By synchronizing data between your Magento webshop and Copernica, you are able to set up targeted email campaigns. For example you can consider emailing customers with abandoned shopcarts automatically every week. Your contacts will only receive information relevant to them, which will make them come back to your shop time and again. The available integration is also compatible with the Magento Enterprise edition. Please note that this extension does not work with PHP 5.4.X. and should be run with the Magento system requirements in mind.

Releases (17)

Date Version Notes
2016-11-21 3.2.4

Copernica - Version 3.2.4

2015-08-12 3.2.3

Copernica - Version 3.2.3

2015-08-04 3.2.2

Copernica - Version 3.2.2

2015-05-15 3.2.1

Copernica - Version 3.2.1

2015-04-02 3.2.0

Release Notes - Copernica - Version 3.2.0

New Feature

  • [COPE-184] - Achtergelaten winkelwagen cross device maken

2015-03-26 3.1.3

Release Notes - Copernica - Version 3.1.3


  • [COPE-211] - Dubbele profielen na sync

  • [COPE-220] - Dubbele profielen

  • [COPE-221] - importeren klanten bestand

  • [COPE-223] - Support Magento - Copernica

  • [COPE-226] - Magento Copernica Pluging

  • [COPE-227] - Issue with Copernica on Magento 1.7


  • [COPE-208] - Let CURL handle SSL completely

2015-03-12 3.1.2

Release Notes - Copernica - Version 3.1.2


  • [COPE-213] - Copernica sync valt stil

  • [COPE-215] - Foutmelding bij synchroniseren


  • [COPE-208] - Let CURL handle SSL completely

2015-02-23 3.1.1

[COPE-199] - Bug in Magento Extensie
[COPE-202] - Validation not working correctly on some fields
[COPE-203] - Ingelogde klanten kunnen geen producten verwijderen
[COPE-207] - Foutmelding bij installeren module nieuwe installatie

2015-02-10 3.1.0

- Using the REST API.
- Synchronise wishlists of customers.

2014-11-03 3.0.1

- Several bug fixes which have been discovered by verious users in the last release.

2014-10-02 3.0.0

New features:
- Uses the new Copernica REST API
- Improved performance

2013-12-26 2.2.0

New features:
- Now works with PHP 5.4
- Added tier prices to the product XML which can be fetched

- Maximum number of record for one sync increased to 300.
- Changed database field to longtext so really big serialized objects will be saved in full.


- Fixed a bug in version 2.1.0 throwing an error when syncing a checkout of a guest.

2013-02-08 2.1.0

- The Connector does no longer save config values in the Magento Config. Since config values are saved everytime the cronjob started, it also changed the cached config. This is a performance improvement for Magento.
- Added the special price in the product XML.
- The product XML will return the product information from the specified storeview.
- When a customer changes his/her e-mail address it will change the profile in Copernica and not create a new one.
- When createing a database the storeview field in Copernica is automatically set to 100 characters
- Added a header for SOAP requests.

2012-09-11 2.0.1

- Added the attribute set name to sync.
- Added field validation linking fields to Copernica.
- Changed download link to Magento Connect.
- Only sync guest orders by initial sync, other orders are synced via the customer.

2012-04-19 2.0.0

- Changed the way profiles are synchronised. A unique key is generated by combining the e-mail address and storeview in order to sync to Copernica. This way it is no longer possible to have the same e-mail address multiple times in Copernica.
- Added the gender to be able to sync from Magento to Copernica.
- Performance improvement, removed unnecessary SOAP call.

IMPORTANT: In order for this version to work, a complete new synchronisation from Magento to Copernica is necessary for the full database.

2012-01-20 1.2.4

- Deleted an unnecessary SOAP call.


- Fixed, when deleting a customer from the backoffice an error occured.