
Magento Extension
Download latest - 1.0.2

Store locator is extension which allow to add multiple store locations using admin back end panel and map them on the Google map. This extension is provide the system configuration settings in configuration "system->store locator setting -> store locator" for store locator. In the store locator configuration setting you need to add Google API URL and your API key. It will also allow you to upload default store image and custom marker image. Once you add the
required information in you can able to see the able to see the Google map on the store location page on the front end.
After the configuration settings admin can able add your multiple store location's using Store location -> store locator using this link. It show the existing store location's in

grid. From here admin can able to add new store location or edit existing store information.

while adding/editing the store information you need enter the required information. once add required information and make status enabled, store will displayed on the front end store location page on Google map. if visitor click on the Google map marker it will show the store location information with store image on Google map in window info.
This extension help you to manage your different store locations.

Key features :
1. Store location will show on the Google map by using added information by the admin user. Admin needs to add store location information like store name, address, URL, city etc.
According to entered information location will get detected and it will show the marker on map. Admin can able to move the marker and longitude, latitude will change. Once admin save
that information that will show on the map in front end site. While adding the store information there are some fields are mandatory like Store name, address, city, zip code, longitude, latitude etc.
2. Upload default store image and marker image.
3. Show store location image and information
4. Import and export information
5. List the all the stores in admin
6. Update store information

Releases (3)

Date Version Notes
2014-10-15 1.0.2

Updated version for store locator some minor changes.

2014-03-28 1.0.1

Updated version for store locator some minor changes.

2014-03-25 1.0.0

Store locator first version release