
Magento Extension
Download latest - 0.1.1

This extension provides facility to delete the orders. Admin can delete multiple as well as single order by just single click and deleted orders will be save in delete order history grid for future reference. If there is multiple admin users then admin can choose default (Main) admin user who will get all the privileges to access all the settings of Delete Order Module. Default admin can give privileges to other admin users also that they can use the Delete Order settings or not. Some of the features of this extension is described below.

1) By this extension admin can delete the orders and backed up the deleted orders in delete order history grid.

2) Admin can choose default(Main) admin user who will get all privileges to delete the orders.

3) Admin can give privileges to other users also to delete the orders or not.

4) Admin can delete single as well as multiple orders.

5) Admin can delete orders from grid and from order view page also by a single click.

6) By this module admin can delete orders manually by order created date and by Order Increment Ids.

7) Deleted orders will be saved in delete order history for future reference.

8) Admin can view the deleted orders details by clicking on any record of deleted order history grid.

9) Admin can delete backed up orders permanently from delete order history grid or from deleted order view page.

10) Compatible with all magento versions from to 1.9.x

Releases (2)

Date Version Notes
2016-02-17 0.1.1

This is the 2nd release of this extension. Fixed issues in order history grid.

2015-11-24 0.1.0

This is the first release of this extension.