
Magento Extension
Download latest - 1.2.1

Extend Catalog Extension:
- Using this extension you can show Top Seller Product, Featured Product, NewProduct , Recently ordered Product and All products blocks with limited number of products on the home page and also show the all products of that block by navigating the "View All" link.
- By adding link of all products you can show all products of your store without filter of categories and subcategories.

Key Features:
- Ability to Enable/Disable each block from admin configuration.
- Ability to specify the maximum number of products display on the home page for each block.
- Ability to specify the block title.
- Separate functionality for each block, so you can add required blocks only.

Steps to configure the each block on the home page:
- Go to admin pannel.
- Navigate To CMS->Pages and select 'home' page.
- Edit Page Content section add below code as per each block.

To Show Newproduct products:
{{block type="extendcatalog/newproduct_home_list" name="newproduct_list" template="extendcatalog/home_newproduct.phtml"}}

To Show Featured products:
{{block type="extendcatalog/featured_home_list" name="featured_list" template="extendcatalog/home_featured.phtml"}}
- Also There 'featured' attribute label as 'Is Featured' is added to default attribute set, Now You need to to select value as 'yes' to show product in featured product's list.

To Show Most Viewed products:
{{block type="extendcatalog/mostviewed_home_list" name="mostviewed_list" template="extendcatalog/home_mostviewed.phtml"}}

To Show Top Sellers products:
{{block type="extendcatalog/bestsellers_home_list" name="bestsellers_list" template="extendcatalog/home_bestsellers.phtml"}}

To Show RecentlyOrdered products:
{{block type="extendcatalog/lastordered_home_list" name="lastordered_home_list" template="extendcatalog/home_lastordered.phtml"}}

To Show All products without any category filter:
- add link as All Products

Releases (2)

Date Version Notes
2014-10-11 1.2.1

Added Most viewed product.

2014-09-21 1.2.0

Add Best Seller, Feature, New, Recently ordered & All products to store.