
Magento Extension
Download latest - 1.0.7


This module includes two functionalities:

The first one is an automatic email notification for customers who abandoned their carts after a customizable number of days
The second one is an automatic email notification when products which are in an abandoned cart go on sale

With this extension, you can increase your sales with follow-up emails in order to bring back customers who did not checkout the first time they added products to their bag.

Here is an example of the first functionality's email:

Dear John,
You have abandoned a Apple iPad 8GB and 2 more products in your cart.

Follow this link and log in to finalize your purchase:

Here is an example of the second functionality's email:

Dear John,
You have abandoned a Apple iPad 8GB in your cart.

It was 200€ and now is 150€.

Purchase the 2 other sale products in your cart and save 85€ on your order.

Follow this link and log in to finalize your purchase with the new special price:


Emails Design

In the backend, access System > Transactional Emails
Click on the "Add New Template" button
Under the "Load Default Template" section, choose "Abandoned Cart Template" for Template and "English (United States)" for Locale
Click the "Load Template" button and design your "Abandoned Cart" email to match with your store emails.
Repeat step 1 - 4 choosing "Abandoned Cart Sale Template" in step 3 to design the "Abandoned Cart Sale" email.

Module Configuration

Access the module configuration under System > Configuration > Digital Pianism > Abandoned Carts Emails.

Enable Abandoned Carts Notification: setting this option to Yes will enabled the email notification for customers who abandoned their carts.
Cron Schedule: here you can change the cron schedule time, it is set to 1AM by default.
Sender Name: here you can provide the sender name of the notification email
Sender Email: here you can provide the sender email of the notification email
Email Template for Unaltered Abandoned Carts: here you have to choose the email template you created previously for the "Abandoned Carts" email.
Send Abandoned Cart Email After: in days, this is the delay before the email is sent. For example, if you provide 7 in this field, the abandoned cart notification email will be sent 7 days after the customer abandoned its cart.
Enable Sale Abandoned Carts Notification: setting this option to Yes will enabled the email notification for customers who have abandoned carts with sale products.
Email Template for Abandoned Carts Sale: here you have to choose the email template you created previously for the "Abandoned Carts Sale" email.
Dry Run: setting this parameter to yes will log the emails supposed to be sent in the /var/log/digitalpianism_abandonedcarts.log file and will not send the email notifications.
Test email: only works with dry run, providing a test email can be used with the send button to only send notifications to the customer with this email address. Useful for testing purposes
Send button: clicking this button will manually send the abandoned carts email notifications regardless the delay you provided. This can be use with dry run set to Yes to test the extension

N.B.: for log files to be created and updated, you must enable the logs under System > Configuration > Advanced > Developer > Log Settings > Enable = Yes

N.B. 2: Please note that abandoning carts without being logged in will result in no email being sent for this abandoned cart because there is no way we can retrieve not logged in customer's email.

Save the configuration.

Email Variables

The following variables are being used in the email templates that come with the extension.
For the abandoned carts email:

{{var firstname}} : first name of the customer
{{var productname}}: name of the first product in the abandoned cart
{{var extraproductcount}}: number of extra products in the abandoned cart

For the abandoned carts for sale products email:

{{var firstname}} : first name of the customer
{{var productname}}: name of the first product in the abandoned cart
{{var cartprice}}: original price of the first product on sale in the abandoned cart.
{{var specialprice}}: sale price of the first product on sale in the abandoned cart.
{{var discount}}: possible discount if the whole abandoned cart is purchased.

Manually Send The Notifications

To manually trigger the notification system, please access System > Configuration > Digital Pianism > Abandoned carts email and click on the "Send" button
Please note that this functionality will send abandoned carts notification regardless the delay you provided, all possible abandoned carts emails will be sent.

Releases (30)

Date Version Notes
2016-11-15 1.0.7

Thanks to Septoctobre for all the bug reports and pull requests

- Fix a bug where the delay would not be taken into consideration when the cron ran:
- Fix a bug where the area would not be properly loaded: and
- Fix a bug where the count of total would be wrong because of the quantity :
- Implement prices columns with currencies :
- Fix a bug where the sale abandoned carts report would display nothing when flat catalog is enabled :
- Fix a bug where an error would be triggered when filtering the grid by one date (from OR to) :
- Fix a bug where the count in the grid would be wrong:

2016-11-09 1.0.5

- Fix a bug where the small image would not be picked

2016-11-08 1.0.4

- Fix a bug where the default email templates would not be picked.

2016-10-19 1.0.3

- Fix a bug where it was impossible to preview the email templates in the backend

2016-07-15 1.0.2

- Fix a bug where the admin URL would be used when notifying from the backend
- Fix a bug where admin users store would not remain on a multistore install

2016-07-14 1.0.1

- Fix a bug where the data script would never run

2016-07-14 1.0.0

- Full refactor of the module
- Add two grids to the backend to see the abandoned carts
- Add a log database table to easily see what's going on
- Implement an autologin link system
- Implement Google Campaign tags
- Improve the templates to list all items
- Change the way dryrun and test email behaves
- Add notification flags columns to the native abandoned carts report

2016-04-22 0.3.6

- Fix a bug where an error would be logged in case the product image does not exist.

2016-03-08 0.3.5

- Fix a bug where the product image would not be retrieved in the email.

2016-03-04 0.3.4

- Fix a bug where the email would not be reflect the right store when sharing customers account globally.

2015-11-26 0.3.3

- Fix a major bug where the cron tasks would not run.

2015-11-24 0.3.2

- Fix encoding issue with french translations
- Add more translation

2015-11-17 0.3.1

- Fix a bug where it was impossible to load the default templates.

2015-11-09 0.3.0

- Add customer groups limitation to the configuration.
- Rename functions and change their scope in the observer.

2015-10-29 0.2.3

- Add _isAllowed method to the controller to improve security (see patch 6285)

2015-10-23 0.2.2

- Modify the admin route regarding Magento patch SUPEE-6788

2015-09-22 0.2.1

- Fix a bug where the email would be sent multiple times on a multi stores installation

2015-09-21 0.2.0

- Added the product image to the email templates

2015-08-07 0.1.14

- Added french translation

2015-07-22 0.1.13

- Configurable cron schedule
- Support for websites with Flat Catalog disabled

2015-07-06 0.1.12

- Bug Fixes

2014-12-30 0.1.11

- Fix default configuration values.

2014-12-19 0.1.10

- PHPDoc
- Decrease nesting level to meet Magento ECG standards requirements

2014-12-10 0.1.9

- Bug fixes regarding the dryrun and test emails functionality.

2014-12-09 0.1.8

- Implement coding standards fixes (based on recommendations).

2014-10-08 0.1.7

- Add database prefix to the table in the Observer (thanks to mecaniqueorange for the advice)

2014-09-19 0.1.6

- Improve memory management (30% memory use decrease)

2014-05-19 0.1.5

- Remove the email validation for the test email variable

2014-05-19 0.1.4

- Remove the email validation for the test email variable

2014-05-14 0.1.3

- Add test email variable