
Magento Extension
Download latest - 0.3.1

This module is based on Alan Storm's Module List module. The main difference is that it adds an extra more information about the modules to help people debugging their modules. It also uses a grid that could help for filtering/searching modules.

Modules Manager

You can access the grid by clicking System > Tools > Modules Details. In this grid, you can find the following information about modules:

Name of the module
Active: based on the app/etc/modules configuration file.
Code Pool
Version: this is the version of the module as declared in the etc/config.xml file
Folder path to the module files
Whether or not the folder path exists
Data entry: if the module interacts with the database, this will list the entry of the module under the core_resource table
Data version: this is the data version of your module, understand the data installed via data install/upgrade scripts
Output enable: wheter or not the output is disabled under System > Configuration > Advanced
Path to the config file
Whether or not the config file exists

This grid should give you a quick overview of your modules and help you finding out problems while installing/developping a module
In addition, you can also use our Reports Viewer module to view the Magento generated reports easily

Releases (2)

Date Version Notes
2016-01-11 0.3.1

- Fix a bug where filtering by false/true column would not work.

2016-01-06 0.3.0

- Original release