
Magento Extension
Download latest - 0.1.2

Ever been annoyed by the way Magento handles the error reports ? Having to manually check the var/reports folder and decode the content of the report could be painful, that's why we developped this new module.
With this extension, you will be able to view and delete the Magento error reports from the backend. No more FTP and no more serialized value to read, the Error Reports Viewer module does everything for you.

Reports List
Install the module, clear your cache and go to System > Tools > Reports Viewer
Here you will have the list of all the reports that are in your var/reports folder.
This list includes the following data:

Report ID
Error message
Script Name
Report File Path
Creation date

From this grid, you have the possibility to mass delete reports (reports will be deleted from the var/reports folder) using the mass action dropdown.

View Report Details

The only data not included in the grid is the trace.
So when you click the "view details" link or if you click directly on the row, you will get access to a page that displays all the data of the grid PLUS the trace of the report.
From this page, you can also delete a report.

Releases (5)

Date Version Notes
2015-10-23 0.1.2

- Modify the admin route regarding Magento patch SUPEE-6788

2015-10-06 0.1.1

- Improve the module in order to remove useless files and make the module lighter in terms of number of files

2015-09-17 0.1.0

- Improve the module by using a custom collection to be able to filter, sort and change the limit of the grid.

2015-08-13 0.0.5

- Fix a bug where the view details page was not working

2015-08-12 0.0.4

- Fix display date issue.