
Magento Extension
Download latest - 0.1.0

Beeing spammed by the product review form on your Magento website ? Digital Pianism Review Captcha module is the solution.
With this extension, you will be able to use the original Magento captcha on the product review form.



Install the module manually or via Magento Connect.
Flush the cache
Access System > Configuration > Customer Configuration > Captcha
If you're not using the Magento captcha on your website yet, set Enable CAPTCHA on Frontend to Yes
Then choose Review Form in the Forms multiselect.
Save the configuration

Template integration

The only code manipulation that you need to do is modify the following template: app/design/frontend///template/review/form.phtml

All you have to do is add the following piece of the code after the last li closing tag:

getChildHtml(''); ?>

Here is an example with the base/default template:

*__('Review') ?>

escapeHtml($data->getDetail()) ?>

getChildHtml(''); ?>

Releases (2)

Date Version Notes
2015-12-09 0.1.0

- Use observers instead of rewriting controller and block.

2015-11-16 0.0.4

- Original release