
Magento Extension
Download latest - 0.1.1

Product Features

Customer often need to filter/view only those products which has some discount[special price].
This extension helps to customer to browse such products collection which has set special price.
Customer can filter the such special price product collection via discount layer filter.
He/she can filter collection from the discount range. e.g. 10% - 20%, 20% - 30% etc like price filter.
This is useful to display Discount Field into Layer Filter.

How the extension work ?
Basically this extension create new attribute for product (discount) with price data type.
When merchant/admin user will add new product and set special price , then discount field will fill-up automatically with percentage value on the basis of price and special-price.
e.g. Price is $100, Special Price is $50 then discount value will be stored as 50 percent.
When special price will not there then discount field value will be none.
This field will be set as readonly and auto calculate so user can't change the value. It work/update according to special price addition/update.

Releases (2)

Date Version Notes
2015-07-16 0.1.1

This module is useful to display Discount Field into Layer Filter.

2015-07-09 1.0.0

This module is useful to display Discount Field into Layer Filter.