Version Notes
Added translate Files and Emails
Download this release
Release Info
Developer | PHPro |
Extension | dpdshipping |
Version | 1.0.3 |
Comparing to | |
See all releases |
Code changes from version 1.0.2 to 1.0.3
- app/code/community/DPD/Shipping/Model/Mysql4/Dpdclassic/Tablerate.php +1 -3
- app/code/community/DPD/Shipping/Model/Mysql4/Dpdparcelshops/Tablerate.php +1 -1
- app/code/community/DPD/Shipping/controllers/Adminhtml/DpdorderController.php +1 -1
- app/code/community/DPD/Shipping/etc/config.xml +1 -1
- app/locale/de_DE/DPD_Shipping.csv +86 -0
- app/locale/de_DE/template/email/sales/dpd_returnlabel.html +42 -0
- app/locale/en_US/DPD_Shipping.csv +5 -2
- app/locale/en_US/template/email/sales/dpd_returnlabel.html +42 -0
- app/locale/fr_FR/DPD_Shipping.csv +83 -0
- app/locale/fr_FR/template/email/sales/dpd_returnlabel.html +42 -0
- app/locale/nl_NL/DPD_Shipping.csv +86 -0
- app/locale/nl_NL/template/email/sales/dpd_returnlabel.html +42 -0
- package.xml +7 -7
@@ -191,8 +191,6 @@ class DPD_Shipping_Model_Mysql4_Dpdclassic_Tablerate extends Mage_Core_Model_Res
191 |
} else {
192 |
$conditionName = $object->getData('groups/dpdclassic/fields/condition_name/value');
193 |
194 |
195 |
196 |
$this->_importConditionName = $conditionName;
197 |
$adapter = $this->_getWriteAdapter();
198 |
@@ -237,7 +235,7 @@ class DPD_Shipping_Model_Mysql4_Dpdclassic_Tablerate extends Mage_Core_Model_Res
237 |
} catch (Exception $e) {
238 |
239 |
240 |
241 |
Mage::throwException(Mage::helper('dpd')->__('An error occurred while importing table rates.'));
242 |
243 |
191 |
} else {
192 |
$conditionName = $object->getData('groups/dpdclassic/fields/condition_name/value');
193 |
194 |
$this->_importConditionName = $conditionName;
195 |
$adapter = $this->_getWriteAdapter();
196 |
235 |
} catch (Exception $e) {
236 |
237 |
238 |
239 |
Mage::throwException(Mage::helper('dpd')->__('An error occurred while importing table rates.'));
240 |
241 |
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ class DPD_Shipping_Model_Mysql4_Dpdparcelshops_Tablerate extends Mage_Core_Model
237 |
} catch (Exception $e) {
238 |
239 |
240 |
241 |
Mage::throwException(Mage::helper('dpd')->__('An error occurred while importing table rates.'));
242 |
243 |
237 |
} catch (Exception $e) {
238 |
239 |
240 |
241 |
Mage::throwException(Mage::helper('dpd')->__('An error occurred while importing table rates.'));
242 |
243 |
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ class DPD_Shipping_Adminhtml_DpdorderController extends Mage_Adminhtml_Controlle
112 |
113 |
ini_set('max_execution_time', 120);
114 |
$orderIds = $this->getRequest()->getParam('entity_id');
115 |
$maxOrderCount =
116 |
if(count($orderIds) > $maxOrderCount){
117 |
$message = Mage::helper('dpd')->__("The maximum number of orders to process is %s. You selected %s. Please deselect some orders and try again.",$maxOrderCount, count($orderIds));
118 |
112 |
113 |
ini_set('max_execution_time', 120);
114 |
$orderIds = $this->getRequest()->getParam('entity_id');
115 |
$maxOrderCount = 100;
116 |
if(count($orderIds) > $maxOrderCount){
117 |
$message = Mage::helper('dpd')->__("The maximum number of orders to process is %s. You selected %s. Please deselect some orders and try again.",$maxOrderCount, count($orderIds));
118 |
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
1 |
"# of Items","# Artikel"
2 |
"%s orders already had downloaded labels.","Für % der Bestellungen wurde bereits ein Versandetikett heruntergeladen."
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
"All labels have been downloaded.","Alle Versandetiketten wurden heruntergeladen."
7 |
"An error occurred while import table rates.","Beim Importieren der Tarieftabellen ist ein Fehler passiert."
8 |
"An error occurred while importing ParcelShops. Check the log for details.","Beim Importieren der ParcelShops ist ein Fehler passiert. Kontrollieren Sie den Logbestand f�r weitere Informationen."
9 |
"Are you sure?","Sind Sie sicher?"
10 |
"Bill to Name",Rechnung an Name"
11 |
"CSV Uploaded (%s shops).","CSV hochgeladen (%s shops)"
12 |
"Click here to change your ParcelShop","Klicken Sie hier um Ihren DPD ParcelShop anzupassen."
13 |
"Click here to select your ParcelShop","Klicken Sie hier um Ihren DPD ParcelShop auszuwählen."
14 |
"Close this map","Diese Karte schließen"
15 |
16 |
17 |
"DPD Label","DPD Versandetikett"
18 |
"DPD Orders","DPD Aufträge"
19 |
"DPD Return Label","DPD Rücksendeetikett"
20 |
"DPD Return Labels","DPD R�cksendeetiketten"
21 |
"DPD Type","DPD Versandart"
22 |
"Date created","Datum erstellt"
23 |
24 |
"Download DPD Label","Download DPD Versandetikett"
25 |
"Download Instructions PDF","Download DPD Versandanleitung"
26 |
"Download Label PDF","Download PDF Versandetikett"
27 |
"Download all undownloaded","Download alle verfügbaren Versandetiketten"
28 |
29 |
"Duplicate Row #%s (Country %s"", Region/State ""%s"", Zip ""%s"" and Value ""%s"").,"Duplicate Zeile #%s (Land %s, Region/Provinz ""%s"", Postleitzahl ""%s"" und Wert ""%s"")."
30 |
31 |
"Excel XML","Excel XML"
32 |
"Export CSV","Export CSV"
33 |
"File has not been imported. See the following list of errors: %s", "Datei wurde nicht importiert. Bitte sehen Sie sich die Fehlermeldungen an."
34 |
"Flat Rate","Festpreis"
35 |
"G.T. (Base)","G.T. (Base)"
36 |
"G.T. (Purchased)","G.T. (Purchased)"
37 |
"Generate Label and Complete","Versandetikett erstellen und abschließen"
38 |
39 |
"Invalid %s "%s" in the Row #%s.", "Keine korrekte %s "%s" in Zeile #%s."
40 |
"Invalid Country "%s" in the Row #%s.","Land nicht korrekt "%s" in Zeile #%s."
41 |
"Invalid ParcelShops format in the Row #%s","Kein korrektes ParcelShopformat in Zeile #%s"
42 |
"Invalid Region/State "%s" in the Row #%s.", "Keine korrekte Region/Provinz "%s" in Zeile #%s."
43 |
"Invalid Shipping Price "%s" in the Row #%s.","Keine korrekte Versandkosten "%s" in Zeile #%s."
44 |
"Invalid Table Rates File Format", "Kein korrektes Tabellenformat"
45 |
"Invalid Table Rates format in the Row #%s","Kein korrektes Tabellenformat in Zeile #%s"
46 |
"Label Downloaded","Versandetikett wurde heruntergeladen"
47 |
"Label number","Versandetikettnummer"
48 |
"Loading DPD parcelshop map based on your address...","DPD ParcelShops werden auf Basis Ihrer Adresse geladen"
49 |
"No CSV uploaded.","Keine CSV-Datei hochgeladen"
50 |
"No label generated yet - please perform the 'Generate Label and Complete' action from the overview.", "Noch kein Versandetikett erstellt - bitte wählen Sie folgenden Vorgang 'Versandetikett erstellen und abschließen' aus der übersicht"
51 |
"No records found.","Keine Daten gefunden"
52 |
"No undownloaded labels found.","Keine verfügbaren Versandetiketten vorhanden"
53 |
"Order #","Bestellung"
54 |
55 |
"Please refresh the page after downloading to review the confirmation messages including any problems encountered. Continue?","Bitte aktualisieren Sie die Seite um die heruntergeladenen Bestätigungsmeldungen inklusive der eventuellen Fehlermeldungen zu überprüfen. Weiter?"
56 |
"Please select a Parcelshop","Bitte wählen Sie einen DPD ParcelShop"
57 |
"Purchased From (Store)","Gekauft bei (Shop)"
58 |
"Purchased On","Gekauft am"
59 |
60 |
"Ship to Name","An diesen Namen versenden"
61 |
"Ship to this ParcelShop.","An diesen DPD ParcelShop versenden"
62 |
"Shipped with DPD generateLabelAndComplete","Versendet mit DPD Versandetikett erstellen und abschließen"
63 |
"Shipping Price","Versandkosten"
64 |
"Some of the selected orders are not ready to be shipped or have already been shipped, operation canceled.","Einige der ausgewählten Bestellungen sind nicht versandbereit oder wurden kürzlich versendet"
65 |
"Something went wrong while processing order %s, please check your error logs.","Es gab leider ein Problem bei der Bearbeitung der Bestellung %s, bitte überprüfen Sie Ihren Logbestand"
66 |
67 |
"Table Rates","Tarieftabellen"
68 |
"The ParcelShops for this website have been deleted.", "Die DPD ParcelShops wurden für diese Webseite gelöscht."
69 |
"The email with return label and instructions has been sent to %s.","Die E-mail mit dem Rücksendeetikett und der Versandanleitung wurde nach %s versendet."
70 |
"The file(s) could not be downloaded, please check your DPD logs.","Datei(en) konnten nicht heruntergeladen werden. Bitte kontrolieren Sie Ihr DPD logs."
71 |
"The order with id %s has only none dpd shipments.","Die Bestellung mit der ID %s hat keinen DPD Versand."
72 |
"The order with id %s is not ready to be shipped or has already been shipped.", "Die Bestellung mit der ID %s ist nicht versandbereit oder wurde kürzlich versendet."
73 |
"This shipping method is currently unavailable. If you would like to ship using this shipping method, please contact us.","Diese Versandart ist zur Zeit nicht verfügbar. Falls Sie dennoch diese Versandart nutzen möchten, bitten wir Sie uns zu kontaktieren."
74 |
"Track this shipment","Paket verfolgen"
75 |
76 |
"Your csv closed too soon with the ZZ ending. Please refer to the manual.","Ihre CSV Datei wurde zu früh mit ZZ Endung geschlossen."
77 |
"Your csv does not have the following required attributes %s on row %s. Please refer to the manual.","Ihre CSV Datei verfügt nicht über die benötigten Eigenschaften %s in Zeile %s. Bitte beachten Sie die Anleitung."
78 |
"Your csv does not have the required AA header. Please refer to the manual.","Ihre CSV Datei hat nicht die benötigten AA Kopfzeile. Bitte beachten Sie die Anleitung."
79 |
"Your csv does not have the required ZZ ending. Please refer to the manual.", "Ihre CSV Datei hat nicht das benötigte ZZ Ende. Bitte lesen Sie die Anleitung."
80 |
"%s label(s) have been generated and statuses have been changed.","Ihre Versandetiketten wurden erstellt und die Status wurden angepasst."
81 |
"Your return label and instructions file have been generated and is available under "DPD Return Labels" in this order.","Ihr Rücksendeetikett und die Anleitung wurden erstellt und sind unter DPD Rücksendeetikett in dieser Bestellung verfügbar."
82 |
"Your selected order is not ready to be shipped or has already been shipped, operation canceled.", "Ihre ausgewählte Bestellung ist nicht versandbereit oder wurde bereits versendet. Dieser Auftrag wurde annuliert."
83 |
"Zip/Postal Code","Postleitzahl"
84 |
"Generating a label can take up to 1 second per label, please be patient during this process. It can take up to maximum 2 minutes. Do you want to continue?"
85 |
"The maximum number of orders to process is %s. You selected %s. Please deselect some orders and try again."
86 |
"No parcelshops were found, please verify your shipping address."
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
1 |
<!--@subject {{var store.getFrontendName()}}: New returnlabel # {{var returnlabel.label_number}} @-->
2 |
3 |
{"store url=\"\"":"Store Url",
4 |
"var logo_url":"Email Logo Image Url",
5 |
"var logo_alt":"Email Logo Image Alt",
6 |
"htmlescape var=$order.getCustomerName()":"Customer Name",
7 |
"var order":"order object",
8 |
"var returnlabel":"return label object"}
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
body,td { color:#2f2f2f; font:11px/1.35em Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; }
13 |
14 |
15 |
<body style="background:#F6F6F6; font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; margin:0; padding:0;">
16 |
<div style="background:#F6F6F6; font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; margin:0; padding:0;">
17 |
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%">
18 |
19 |
<td align="center" valign="top" style="padding:20px 0 20px 0">
20 |
<table bgcolor="#FFFFFF" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10" border="0" width="650" style="border:1px solid #E0E0E0;">
21 |
<!-- [ header starts here] -->
22 |
23 |
<td valign="top"><a href="{{store url=""}}"><img src="{{var logo_url}}" alt="{{var logo_alt}}" style="margin-bottom:10px;" border="0"/></a></td>
24 |
25 |
<!-- [ middle starts here] -->
26 |
27 |
<td valign="top">
28 |
<h1 style="font-size:22px; font-weight:normal; line-height:22px; margin:0 0 11px 0;">Guten tag, {{htmlescape var=$order.getCustomerName()}}</h1>
29 |
<p style="font-size:12px; line-height:16px; margin:0;">
30 |
Sie konnen ihren zurück Etikett und Gebrauchsanweisung finden in der Anhang.
31 |
32 |
33 |
34 |
35 |
<td bgcolor="#EAEAEA" align="center" style="background:#EAEAEA; text-align:center;"><center><p style="font-size:12px; margin:0;">Danke, <strong>{{var store.getFrontendName()}}</strong></p></center></td>
36 |
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 |
41 |
42 |
@@ -78,7 +78,10 @@
78 |
"Your csv does not have the following required attributes %s on row %s. Please refer to the manual.", "Your csv does not have the following required attributes %s on row %s. Please refer to the manual."
79 |
"Your csv does not have the required AA header. Please refer to the manual.", "Your csv does not have the required AA header. Please refer to the manual."
80 |
"Your csv does not have the required ZZ ending. Please refer to the manual.", "Your csv does not have the required ZZ ending. Please refer to the manual."
81 |
82 |
"Your return label and instructions file have been generated and is available under "DPD Return Labels" in this order.", "Your return label and instructions file have been generated and is available under "DPD Return Labels" in this order."
83 |
"Your selected order is not ready to be shipped or has already been shipped, operation canceled.", "Your selected order is not ready to be shipped or has already been shipped, operation canceled."
84 |
"Zip/Postal Code", "Zip/Postal Code"
78 |
"Your csv does not have the following required attributes %s on row %s. Please refer to the manual.", "Your csv does not have the following required attributes %s on row %s. Please refer to the manual."
79 |
"Your csv does not have the required AA header. Please refer to the manual.", "Your csv does not have the required AA header. Please refer to the manual."
80 |
"Your csv does not have the required ZZ ending. Please refer to the manual.", "Your csv does not have the required ZZ ending. Please refer to the manual."
81 |
"%s label(s) have been generated and statuses have been changed.", "%s label(s) have been generated and statuses have been changed."
82 |
"Your return label and instructions file have been generated and is available under "DPD Return Labels" in this order.", "Your return label and instructions file have been generated and is available under "DPD Return Labels" in this order."
83 |
"Your selected order is not ready to be shipped or has already been shipped, operation canceled.", "Your selected order is not ready to be shipped or has already been shipped, operation canceled."
84 |
"Zip/Postal Code", "Zip/Postal Code"
85 |
"Generating a label can take up to 1 second per label, please be patient during this process. It can take up to maximum 2 minutes. Do you want to continue?","Generating a label can take up to 1 second per label, please be patient during this process. It can take up to maximum 2 minutes. Do you want to continue?"
86 |
"The maximum number of orders to process is %s. You selected %s. Please deselect some orders and try again.","The maximum number of orders to process is %s. You selected %s. Please deselect some orders and try again."
87 |
"No parcelshops were found, please verify your shipping address.","No parcelshops were found, please verify your shipping address."
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
1 |
<!--@subject {{var store.getFrontendName()}}: New returnlabel # {{var returnlabel.label_number}} @-->
2 |
3 |
{"store url=\"\"":"Store Url",
4 |
"var logo_url":"Email Logo Image Url",
5 |
"var logo_alt":"Email Logo Image Alt",
6 |
"htmlescape var=$order.getCustomerName()":"Customer Name",
7 |
"var order":"order object",
8 |
"var returnlabel":"return label object"}
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
body,td { color:#2f2f2f; font:11px/1.35em Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; }
13 |
14 |
15 |
<body style="background:#F6F6F6; font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; margin:0; padding:0;">
16 |
<div style="background:#F6F6F6; font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; margin:0; padding:0;">
17 |
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%">
18 |
19 |
<td align="center" valign="top" style="padding:20px 0 20px 0">
20 |
<table bgcolor="#FFFFFF" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10" border="0" width="650" style="border:1px solid #E0E0E0;">
21 |
<!-- [ header starts here] -->
22 |
23 |
<td valign="top"><a href="{{store url=""}}"><img src="{{var logo_url}}" alt="{{var logo_alt}}" style="margin-bottom:10px;" border="0"/></a></td>
24 |
25 |
<!-- [ middle starts here] -->
26 |
27 |
<td valign="top">
28 |
<h1 style="font-size:22px; font-weight:normal; line-height:22px; margin:0 0 11px 0;">Hello, {{htmlescape var=$order.getCustomerName()}}</h1>
29 |
<p style="font-size:12px; line-height:16px; margin:0;">
30 |
You can find your returnlabel and instructions in the attachments of this email.
31 |
32 |
33 |
34 |
35 |
<td bgcolor="#EAEAEA" align="center" style="background:#EAEAEA; text-align:center;"><center><p style="font-size:12px; margin:0;">Thank you, <strong>{{var store.getFrontendName()}}</strong></p></center></td>
36 |
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 |
41 |
42 |
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
1 |
"# of Items","Nombre d'articles"
2 |
"%s orders already had downloaded labels.","% des commandes pour lesquelles des étiquettes ont été téléchargées"
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
"All labels have been downloaded.","Toutes les étiquettes ont été téléchargées"
7 |
"An error occurred while import table rates.","Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'importation du plan tarifaire"
8 |
"An error occurred while importing ParcelShops. Check the log for details.","Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'importation des ParcelShops. Contrôlez le fichier pour plus de détails"
9 |
"Are you sure?","Etes-vous certain?"
10 |
"Bill to Name","Facturer au nom de"
11 |
"CSV Uploaded (%s shops).","CVS téléchargé (%s shops)."
12 |
"Click here to change your ParcelShop", "Cliquer ici pour adapter votre DPD ParcelShop"
13 |
"Click here to select your ParcelShop","Cliquer ici pour sélectionner votre DPD ParcelShop"
14 |
"Close this map","Fermer ce dossier"
15 |
16 |
17 |
"DPD Label","Etiquette DPD"
18 |
"DPD Orders","Commandes DPD"
19 |
"DPD Return Label","Etiquette DPD retour"
20 |
"DPD Return Labels","Etiquettes DPD retour"
21 |
"DPD Type","DPD Type"
22 |
"Date created","Date de création"
23 |
24 |
"Download DPD Label","Télécharger une étiquette DPD"
25 |
"Download Instructions PDF","Télécharger les instructions PDF"
26 |
"Download Label PDF","Télécharger l'étiquette PDF"
27 |
"Download all undownloaded","Télécharger toutes les étiquettes disponibles"
28 |
29 |
"Duplicate Row #%s (Country %s"", Region/State ""%s"", Zip ""%s"" and Value ""%s"").","Rangée Double #%s (Pays %s"", Région/état ""%s"", Zip ""%s"" et Valeur ""%s"")."
30 |
31 |
"Excel XML","Excel XML"
32 |
"Export CSV","Exporter CSV"
33 |
"File has not been imported. See the following list of errors: %s","Le fichier n'a pas été importé. Vérifier les messages d'erreur"
34 |
"Flat Rate","Prix fixe"
35 |
"G.T. (Base)","G.T. (base)"
36 |
"G.T. (Purchased)","G.T. (acheté)"
37 |
"Generate Label and Complete","Creëer une étiquette et quitter"
38 |
39 |
"Invalid %s "%s" in the Row #%s.","%s incorrect dans ligne %s"
40 |
"Invalid Country "%s" in the Row #%s.","%s pays incorrect dans ligne %s"
41 |
"Invalid ParcelShops format in the Row #%s","%s format ParcelShop incorrect dans ligne %s"
42 |
"Invalid Region/State "%s" in the Row #%s.","Région/province "%s" incorrect dans ligne %s"
43 |
"Invalid Shipping Price "%s" in the Row #%s.","%s coûtes d'envoi incorrect dans ligne %s"
44 |
"Invalid Table Rates File Format","Format de fichier du tableau de tarification incorrect"
45 |
"Invalid Table Rates format in the Row #%s", "Format de fichier du tableau de tarification incorrect dans ligne %s"
46 |
"Label Downloaded", "Etiquette téléchargée"
47 |
"Label number", "Référence étiquette"
48 |
"Loading DPD parcelshop map based on your address...","Les ParcelShops DPD on été téléchargés en fonction de votre adresse"
49 |
"No CSV uploaded.","Aucun CVS n'a été téléchargé."
50 |
"No label generated yet - please perform the 'Generate Label and Complete' action from the overview.","Etiquette pas encore creée - veuillez utiliser le 'Creéer Etiquette et quitter' action de l'index.
51 |
"No records found.","Aucun résultat"
52 |
"No undownloaded labels found.","Aucune étiquette disponible"
53 |
"Order #","Commande n°"
54 |
55 |
"Please refresh the page after downloading to review the confirmation messages including any problems encountered. Continue?","Veuillez de nouveau charger la page si vous voulez vérifier les messages de confirmation et les problémes rencontés. Continuez?"
56 |
"Please select a Parcelshop","Veuillez sélectionner un ParcelShop DPD"
57 |
"Purchased From (Store)","Acheté chez (boutique)"
58 |
"Purchased On","Acheté le"
59 |
60 |
"Ship to Name","Envoyer au nom de"
61 |
"Ship to this ParcelShop.","Envoyer a ce Parcelshop"
62 |
"Shipped with DPD generateLabelAndComplete","Envoyé avec une étiquette DPD."
63 |
"Shipping Price","Coûte d'envoi"
64 |
"Some of the selected orders are not ready to be shipped or have already been shipped, operation canceled.","Certaines des commandes sélectionnées ne sont pas prêtes à l'envoi, ou sont déjà envoyé. Demande annulé"
65 |
"Something went wrong while processing order %s, please check your error logs.","Une erreur s'est produite lors du traitement de cette commande. Veuillez vérifier votre fichier"
66 |
67 |
"Table Rates","Tableau de tarification"
68 |
"The ParcelShops for this website have been deleted.","Les ParcelShops DPD ont été retirés de ce site."
69 |
"The email with return label and instructions has been sent to %s.","Le émail avec le étiquette retour et les instructions ont été envoyés à %s."
70 |
"The file(s) could not be downloaded, please check your DPD logs.", "Le(s) fichier(s) n'ont pas pu être téléchargés. Veuillez contrôler votre journal DPD.
71 |
"The order with id %s has only none dpd shipments.","Il n'y a pas d'expédition prévue pour votre commande ID"
72 |
"The order with id %s is not ready to be shipped or has already been shipped.","La commande avec référence % n'est pas prête ou a déjà été envoyée"
73 |
"This shipping method is currently unavailable. If you would like to ship using this shipping method, please contact us.","Cette option d'expédition est momentanément indisponible. Si vous voulez effectuer votre envoi via cette option, veuillez nous contacter"
74 |
"Track this shipment","Suivre ce colis"
75 |
76 |
"Your csv closed too soon with the ZZ ending. Please refer to the manual.","Votre csv a été refermé prématurément. Veuillez consulter votre manuel"
77 |
"Your csv does not have the following required attributes %s on row %s. Please refer to the manual.","Votre CSV ne contient pas les données requises dans la ligne % Veuillez consulter votre manuel"
78 |
"Your csv does not have the required AA header. Please refer to the manual.","Votre CSV n'a pas le format AA requis. Veuillez consulter votre manuel"
79 |
"Your csv does not have the required ZZ ending. Please refer to the manual.","Votre CSV ne contient pas les ZZ requis dans la ligne % Veuillez consulter votre manuel"
80 |
"%s label(s) have been generated and statuses have been changed.","Vos étiquettes sont éditées et les statuts mis à jour"
81 |
"Your return label and instructions file have been generated and is available under "DPD Return Labels" in this order.","Votre étiquette retour et les instructions ont été creeés et sont disponibles dans cette commande sous DPD étiquettes retour"
82 |
"Your selected order is not ready to be shipped or has already been shipped, operation canceled.", "La commande sélectionnée n'est pas prête à l'envoi ou a déjà été envoyée. Demande annulée.
83 |
"Zip/Postal Code";"Code postal"
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
1 |
<!--@subject {{var store.getFrontendName()}}: New returnlabel # {{var returnlabel.label_number}} @-->
2 |
3 |
{"store url=\"\"":"Store Url",
4 |
"var logo_url":"Email Logo Image Url",
5 |
"var logo_alt":"Email Logo Image Alt",
6 |
"htmlescape var=$order.getCustomerName()":"Customer Name",
7 |
"var order":"order object",
8 |
"var returnlabel":"return label object"}
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
body,td { color:#2f2f2f; font:11px/1.35em Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; }
13 |
14 |
15 |
<body style="background:#F6F6F6; font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; margin:0; padding:0;">
16 |
<div style="background:#F6F6F6; font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; margin:0; padding:0;">
17 |
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%">
18 |
19 |
<td align="center" valign="top" style="padding:20px 0 20px 0">
20 |
<table bgcolor="#FFFFFF" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10" border="0" width="650" style="border:1px solid #E0E0E0;">
21 |
<!-- [ header starts here] -->
22 |
23 |
<td valign="top"><a href="{{store url=""}}"><img src="{{var logo_url}}" alt="{{var logo_alt}}" style="margin-bottom:10px;" border="0"/></a></td>
24 |
25 |
<!-- [ middle starts here] -->
26 |
27 |
<td valign="top">
28 |
<h1 style="font-size:22px; font-weight:normal; line-height:22px; margin:0 0 11px 0;">Bonjour, {{htmlescape var=$order.getCustomerName()}}</h1>
29 |
<p style="font-size:12px; line-height:16px; margin:0;">
30 |
Vous pourriez trouver votre étiquette de retour et les instructions ci-joint.
31 |
32 |
33 |
34 |
35 |
<td bgcolor="#EAEAEA" align="center" style="background:#EAEAEA; text-align:center;"><center><p style="font-size:12px; margin:0;">Merci, <strong>{{var store.getFrontendName()}}</strong></p></center></td>
36 |
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 |
41 |
42 |
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
1 |
"# of Items","# items"
2 |
"%s orders already had downloaded labels.","%s van orders hebben reeds labels die gedownload werden."
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
"All labels have been downloaded.","Alle labels werden gedownload."
7 |
"An error occurred while import table rates.","Er is een fout opgetreden bij het importeren van de table rates."
8 |
"An error occurred while importing ParcelShops. Check the log for details.","Er is een fout opgetreden bij het importeren van ParcelShops. Controleer het logbestand voor details."
9 |
"Are you sure?","Bent u zeker?"
10 |
"Bill to Name","Te factureren aan"
11 |
"CSV Uploaded (%s shops)","CSV opgeladen (%s shops)"
12 |
"Click here to change your ParcelShop","Klik hier om uw DPD ParcelShop aan te passen"
13 |
"Click here to select your ParcelShop","Klik hier om uw DPD ParcelShop te selecteren"
14 |
"Close this map","Sluit deze map"
15 |
16 |
17 |
"DPD Label","DPD Label"
18 |
"DPD Orders","DPD Orders"
19 |
"DPD Return Label","DPD Return Label"
20 |
"DPD Return Labels","DPD Return Labels"
21 |
"DPD Type","DPD Type"
22 |
"Date created","Datum aangemaakt"
23 |
24 |
"Download DPD Label","Download DPD Label"
25 |
"Download Instructions PDF","Download PDF met instructies"
26 |
"Download Label PDF","Download PDF label"
27 |
"Download all undownloaded","Download alle beschikbare labels"
28 |
29 |
"Duplicate Row #%s (Country %s"", Region/State ""%s"", Zip ""%s"" and Value ""%s"").","Duplicate rij #%s (Land %s, Regio/Provincie ""%s"", Postcode ""%s"" en Waarde ""%s"")."
30 |
31 |
"Excel XML","Excel XML"
32 |
"Export CSV","Export CSV"
33 |
"File has not been imported. See the following list of errors: %s","File werd niet geïmporteerd. Bekijk de lijst met foutmeldingen: %s"
34 |
"Flat Rate","Vaste prijs"
35 |
"G.T. (Base)","G.T. (Basis)"
36 |
"G.T. (Purchased)","G.T. (Aangekocht)"
37 |
"Generate Label and Complete","Creëer label en sluit af"
38 |
39 |
"Invalid %s "%s" in the Row #%s.","Incorrecte %s "%s" in rij #%s."
40 |
"Invalid Country "%s" in the Row #%s.","Niet correct land "%s" in rij #%s"
41 |
"Invalid ParcelShops format in the Row #%s","Niet correct ParcelShop formaat in rij #%s"
42 |
"Invalid Region/State "%s" in the Row #%s.", "Niet correcte Regio/Provincie "%s" in rij #%s."
43 |
"Invalid Shipping Price "%s" in the Row #%s.", "Niet correcte Verzendkost "%s" in rij #%s."
44 |
"Invalid Table Rates File Format","Niet correcte Table Rates File formaat"
45 |
"Invalid Table Rates format in the Row #%s","Niet correcte Table Rates file formaat %s"" in rij #%s"
46 |
"Label Downloaded","Label werd gedownload"
47 |
"Label number","Label nummer"
48 |
"Loading DPD parcelshop map based on your address...","DPD ParcelShops worden geladen op basis van uw adres..."
49 |
"No CSV uploaded.","Geen CSV opgeladen"
50 |
"No label generated yet - please perform the 'Generate Label and Complete' action from the overview.","Nog geen label gecreëerd - gelieve actie 'Creëer label en sluit af' te gebruiken vanuit het overzicht"
51 |
"No records found.","Geen bestanden gevonden."
52 |
"No undownloaded labels found.","Geen beschikbare labels gevonden."
53 |
"Order #","Order nummer"
54 |
55 |
"Please refresh the page after downloading to review the confirmation messages including any problems encountered. Continue?","Gelieve de pagina opnieuw te laden om de bevestingsboodschappen en vastgestelde problemen te laten nakijken. Doorgaan?"
56 |
"Please select a Parcelshop","Gelieve een DPD ParcelShop te selecteren"
57 |
"Purchased From (Store)","Aangekocht bij (Store)"
58 |
"Purchased On","Aangekocht op"
59 |
60 |
"Ship to Name","Verzend naar Naam"
61 |
"Ship to this ParcelShop.","Verzend naar deze DPD ParcelShop"
62 |
"Shipped with DPD generateLabelAndComplete","Verzonden met DPD genereerLabelEnSluitAf"
63 |
"Shipping Price";"Verzendkost"
64 |
"Some of the selected orders are not ready to be shipped or have already been shipped, operation canceled.","Sommige van de geslecteerde orders zijn niet klaar om te verzenden of werden reeds verzonden, aanvraag geannulleerd."
65 |
"Something went wrong while processing order %s, please check your error logs.","Er ging iets mis bij het verwerken van dit order %s, gelieve uw logbestand te controleren."
66 |
67 |
"Table Rates", "Table rates"
68 |
"The ParcelShops for this website have been deleted.", "De DPD ParcelShops voor deze website werden verwijderd"
69 |
"The email with return label and instructions has been sent to %s.", "De Email met het Return label en instructies werd verstuurd naar %s."
70 |
"The file(s) could not be downloaded, please check your DPD logs.","Bestand(en) kon(den) niet worden gedownload, gelieve uw DPD logs te controleren"
71 |
"The order with id %s has only none dpd shipments.","Het order met ID %s heeft geen DPD verzending"
72 |
"The order with id %s is not ready to be shipped or has already been shipped.","Het order met ID %s is niet klaar om te verzenden of werd reeds verzonden."
73 |
"This shipping method is currently unavailable. If you would like to ship using this shipping method, please contact us.", "Deze verzendmethode is momenteel niet beschikbaar. Indien u wenst te versturen met deze methode, gelieve ons te contacteren"
74 |
"Track this shipment","Traceer dit pakket"
75 |
76 |
"Your csv closed too soon with the ZZ ending. Please refer to the manual.","Uw csv werd te vroeg afgesloten met het ZZ einde. Gelieve uw manual te consulteren."
77 |
"Your csv does not have the following required attributes %s on row %s. Please refer to the manual.","Uw csv heeft niet de nodige attributen %s in rij %s. Gelieve uw handleiding te consulteren."
78 |
"Your csv does not have the required AA header. Please refer to the manual.","Uw csv heeft niet de nodige AA hoofding. Gelieve uw manual te consulteren."
79 |
"Your csv does not have the required ZZ ending. Please refer to the manual.", "Uw csv heeft niet het nodige ZZ einde. Gelieve uw manual te consulteren."
80 |
"%s label(s) have been generated and statuses have been changed.", "Uw labels werden aangemaakt and statussen werden aangepast."
81 |
"Your return label and instructions file have been generated and is available under DPD Return Labels in this order.","Uw return label en instructies werd aangemaakt en is beschikbaar onder DPD Return Labels in dit order"
82 |
"Your selected order is not ready to be shipped or has already been shipped, operation canceled.","Uw geselecteerd order is niet klaar om te verzenden of werd reeds verzonden, deze opdracht werd geannulleerd."
83 |
"Zip/Postal Code","Postcode"
84 |
"Generating a label can take up to 1 second per label, please be patient during this process. It can take up to maximum 2 minutes. Do you want to continue?","Een label aanmaken kan duren tot 1 seconde per label, gelieve geduldig te zijn gedurende dit proces. Het kan maximaal 2 minuten duren. Wilt u verder gaan?"
85 |
"The maximum number of orders to process is %s. You selected %s. Please deselect some orders and try again.","Het maximum aantal orders is %s; U selecteerde %s. Gelieve enkele orders te deselecteren en opnieuw te proberen."
86 |
"No parcelshops were found, please verify your shipping address.","Er werden geen DPD ParcelShops gevonden, gelieve uw adres te controleren."
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
1 |
<!--@subject {{var store.getFrontendName()}}: New returnlabel # {{var returnlabel.label_number}} @-->
2 |
3 |
{"store url=\"\"":"Store Url",
4 |
"var logo_url":"Email Logo Image Url",
5 |
"var logo_alt":"Email Logo Image Alt",
6 |
"htmlescape var=$order.getCustomerName()":"Customer Name",
7 |
"var order":"order object",
8 |
"var returnlabel":"return label object"}
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
body,td { color:#2f2f2f; font:11px/1.35em Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; }
13 |
14 |
15 |
<body style="background:#F6F6F6; font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; margin:0; padding:0;">
16 |
<div style="background:#F6F6F6; font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; margin:0; padding:0;">
17 |
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%">
18 |
19 |
<td align="center" valign="top" style="padding:20px 0 20px 0">
20 |
<table bgcolor="#FFFFFF" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10" border="0" width="650" style="border:1px solid #E0E0E0;">
21 |
<!-- [ header starts here] -->
22 |
23 |
<td valign="top"><a href="{{store url=""}}"><img src="{{var logo_url}}" alt="{{var logo_alt}}" style="margin-bottom:10px;" border="0"/></a></td>
24 |
25 |
<!-- [ middle starts here] -->
26 |
27 |
<td valign="top">
28 |
<h1 style="font-size:22px; font-weight:normal; line-height:22px; margin:0 0 11px 0;">Hallo, {{htmlescape var=$order.getCustomerName()}}</h1>
29 |
<p style="font-size:12px; line-height:16px; margin:0;">
30 |
U kan uw instructies en retourlabel in bijlage vinden.
31 |
32 |
33 |
34 |
35 |
<td bgcolor="#EAEAEA" align="center" style="background:#EAEAEA; text-align:center;"><center><p style="font-size:12px; margin:0;">Dank u, <strong>{{var store.getFrontendName()}}</strong></p></center></td>
36 |
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 |
41 |
42 |
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
1 |
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2 |
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6 |
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7 |
8 |
9 |
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10 |
<description>DPD Shipping
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
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16 |
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1 |
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6 |
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7 |
8 |
9 |
<summary>DPD Shipping</summary>
10 |
<description>DPD Shipping By PHPro</description>
11 |
<notes>Added translate Files and Emails</notes>
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
<contents><target name="magecommunity"><dir name="DPD"><dir name="Shipping"><dir name="Block"><dir name="Adminhtml"><dir name="Sales"><dir name="Order"><dir name="Grid"><dir name="Renderer"><file name="Shippingmethod.php" hash="b70aad5bba5c4eb5cc897dcc12e3c199"/></dir></dir><file name="Grid.php" hash="e710e55b9dc609951efd0361a940f045"/><dir name="View"><dir name="Tab"><file name="Returnlabels.php" hash="7917e9cd5107154a83561e9a399de876"/></dir></dir></dir><file name="Order.php" hash="3bf3e1fb85abbfe21a051442920ab479"/></dir><dir name="Shipping"><dir name="Carrier"><dir name="Dpdclassic"><dir name="Tablerate"><file name="Grid.php" hash="e7ac634260c5f6d3c70b5f9c8875f265"/></dir></dir><dir name="Dpdparcelshops"><dir name="Tablerate"><file name="Grid.php" hash="dfe9582089ac0729d66853415a5e57f3"/></dir></dir></dir></dir><dir name="System"><dir name="Config"><dir name="Form"><file name="Availability.php" hash="7883b99fbec71aa29486a81065476b12"/><file name="Dpdclassicexport.php" hash="b8bb24d799599844e8a9174f7dc4606c"/><file name="Dpdparcelshopsexport.php" hash="a5facc313e5249cc9d73249b40956a49"/></dir></dir></dir></dir><dir name="Carrier"><file name="Parcelshop.php" hash="0ea6d85c21c397e23997882d32f3489f"/></dir></dir><dir name="Helper"><file name="Data.php" hash="43713611d5e2b9da04d1d3cfddaf5bb2"/></dir><dir name="Model"><dir name="Adminhtml"><file name="Dpdgrid.php" hash="365d594e11113cca64ac3442a8946951"/><dir name="System"><dir name="Config"><dir name="Backend"><dir name="Shipping"><dir name="Dpdclassic"><file name="Tablerate.php" hash="2448a6974c41d4361a1125c7c26d02a9"/></dir><dir name="Dpdparcelshops"><file name="Tablerate.php" hash="259c9918f4c2e29a0d8478409da879e4"/></dir><file name="Specialparcelshops.php" hash="67d996d145f0206e9fab5954bf6b0063"/></dir></dir></dir></dir></dir><dir name="Carrier"><file name="Dpdclassic.php" hash="04fc4d22d9bca9ff6b20c2d824f203f4"/><file name="Dpdparcelshops.php" hash="85c57bb4f50a57d853079a6c1d949bb5"/></dir><dir name="Dpdclassic"><file name="Tablerate.php" hash="9cec2a0a694a1af5fc44fe9cbf3b8283"/></dir><dir name="Dpdparcelshops"><file name="Tablerate.php" hash="be1dfb643e62f3ea0a6c527b6ef88ca9"/></dir><dir name="Mysql4"><dir name="Dpdclassic"><dir name="Tablerate"><file name="Collection.php" hash="8eadb25daf3962f3adba71d380129683"/></dir><file name="Tablerate.php" hash="3e4c4062ad5b6e7c2e72262c28e6ca86"/></dir><dir name="Dpdparcelshops"><dir name="Tablerate"><file name="Collection.php" hash="bbfbfdcb550a97195e2f13e582d96d59"/></dir><file name="Tablerate.php" hash="4da8aeed439f685ea031ed73f09c17c6"/></dir><dir name="Returnlabels"><file name="Collection.php" hash="80fe36b9f31d150f02aebb64a769fc5d"/></dir><file name="Returnlabels.php" hash="1d75562904a21b572535483d2d086cdd"/><dir name="Specialparcelshops"><file name="Collection.php" hash="cd7d740fa52301b798ace547820473ef"/></dir><file name="Specialparcelshops.php" hash="64dd72846b549e7fd3a73e96c3542b54"/></dir><file name="Observer.php" hash="0e80c70924be85308ff8754abc142ce5"/><file name="Returnlabels.php" hash="5fa12afaf88cecc73cbd3d0f3163c6f2"/><file name="Specialparcelshops.php" hash="d1f2b72ffab70117fcd2b9f2820cd028"/><dir name="System"><dir name="Config"><dir name="Source"><file name="Display.php" hash="af239a08df6796995e0c580d59d88c46"/><file name="Paperformat.php" hash="e0c638d918566a8b868cca06a459627b"/><file name="Ratetypes.php" hash="1fdeeb0624939d674d625e2c664f907c"/><file name="Weightunit.php" hash="857dd1b887f0f8485616107e6d66db01"/></dir></dir></dir><file name="Webservice.php" hash="0953cd4e5d2fde3a9011846ab4f07afa"/></dir><dir name="controllers"><dir name="Adminhtml"><file name="DpdconfigController.php" hash="c04b8c67343fcb446948dde216cb7052"/><file name="DpdorderController.php" hash="7d325d000c3aa44cab90fdb275cbbece"/></dir><file name="AjaxController.php" hash="a5c976d9f134d4184466e46e327bfc36"/></dir><dir name="etc"><file name="adminhtml.xml" hash="9b48a3489a485e86c8f2720a7a4380d8"/><file 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