
Magento Extension
Download latest - 0.1.5

About the extension:
DwD - CMS Menu allows you to include CMS pages links and set them in any order in the top navigation.
With this extension you can easily add a CMS page in the top navigation by using the new options added in the CMS page edition form.
You wil find options to include the page in the menu, specify if the link should be displayed as child of any other menu item, and specify the order by telling before which item the link should be displayed.
In the background, the extension will create a new table to save the pages menu configuration and include the links with an observer so you can enable / disable the extension withot involve any other Magento feature.

Feature list:

Enable / disable the extension.
Enable / disable each page link in the top navigation.
Configure a custom label for each page link in the menu.
Set each page order in the menu.

How this extension will help you?
Did you ever try to include a CMS page in the top menu?
There's nothing easy about that. You will read about two common solutions: follow a lot of steps in the Magento Admin (that will involve creata a category, a custom redirect, etc.), or do it by code.
With this extension everything will be much easier and you will get everything working in a few clicks!
How it works? Use it in simple steps:

Go to System / Configuration / DwD Extensions / CMS Menu
Enable the extension
Save the configuration
Go to CMS / CMS Pages
Edit the page you want to include in the top menu
Specify the top menu item configuration.
Save the CMS page

Supported versions
Magento 1.8 to 1.9.x.
Extension Demo
URL: http://cms-menu.dwdeveloper.com/
Admin URL: http://cms-menu.dwdeveloper.com/admin
Administrator User: demo.admin
Administrator Password: demo123
For support, contact us at info@dwdeveloper.com
You can also get the extension from our GitHub repository: https://github.com/damian-pastorini/DwD-Mage-Extension-CMS-Menu.
Please feel free to report any issues there.

Releases (6)

Date Version Notes
2015-12-03 0.1.5

- Fixed tables creation for implementations with tables prefix.
- Added the option to disable the "View All" link.
- Added custom events for 3rd party integrations.

2015-10-13 0.1.4

- Added level field to the cmsmenu table.
- Fixed child assignment issue.

2015-10-11 0.1.3

- Fixed sort order to avoid child of not showing up issue.
- Added categories level and status filters for admin select box.
- Added setup script to fix old items created.

2015-10-06 0.1.2

- Fixed setup scripts.
- Fixed case issues in configuration.
- Added automatic cache flush feature.

2015-09-14 0.1.1

First release.

2015-09-13 0.1.0

First release.