
Magento Extension
Download latest - 0.1.2

DwDeveloper - cPanel Connector
DwD - cPanel Connector allows you to associate Magento products with cPanel WHM packages, that way you will be able to sell hosting packages through Magento and the hosts account will be created automatically.
About the extension

The extension will create a new product attribute to associate products with your WHM packages.
Once you configure the admin account from your cPanel / WHM host in the extension system configuration, you will be able to get the packages list and assign each package to a product.
If the extension is enable once an invoice is saved for the related product the extension will connect through your cPanel to create the account.
If you don't want to implement that flow you also will be able to manage the accounts from the Accounts Manager.

Since this is a beta, the extension features are limited and you only be able to:

Create accounts
Delete accounts
Activate accounts
Suspend accounts
Change an account package (this way you should be able to upgrade or downgrade an account)
Change account administration email
Accounts will be created automatically only in a success invoice save

But don't worry, we are planning future upgrades to make the extension create the cPanel accounts automatically on billing agreements, suspend accounts automatically after X time if there's no new payments registered, and also make every cPanel option modifiable.

How this extension will help you?

What will be better than a complete e-commerce platform like Magento to sell anything?
You will get Magento's full power to sell your hosting packages and do a lot of stuff more like promote your services through social media, apply promotions or use multiple payment methods.
And why stop there? You can even sell any other related products like software or web apps or anything you like.

How it works? Use it in simple steps:

Go to System / Configuration / DwD Extensions / cPanel Connector
Configure your user and password
Specify the default package
Specify if you need to create the accounts automatically on invoice save.
Save the configuration
Go to edit the attribute sets and assign the "associated_package" attribute to the attribute set you need (by default it will be assigned to the Default attribute set).
Use / create virtual products to avoid the shipping step and assign each package to each product

Supported versions
Magento 1.8 to 1.9.x.
For support, contact us at info@dwdeveloper.com

Releases (1)

Date Version Notes
2016-02-10 0.1.2

- Fix for Connect download.