
Magento Extension
Download latest - 0.1.1

DwDeveloper - Amazon AWS S3 Connector
DwD - S3 Conector allow Magento administrators to import a complete Amazon AWS S3 bucket to a Magento folder in a few easy steps.
How this works?

You need access to an Amazon AWS S3 bucket with a key and the secret key. Once you uploaded everything there you will need to configure everything in the S3 Connector extension.
When you start the import process from our extension System Configuration the S3 Connector will download all the files from that bucket to the specified Magento folder.

How this extension will help you?

Let's say for example you have to import a lot of images to Magento.
In order to import the images using the default import feature, first you will need to upload everything to the /media/import/ folder, that will allow you to use the CSV file to assign the images to the products.
The common issue is how to upload the images to the server, for that matter you usually need a FTP or SFTP client, that's an unfriendly process for unexperienced administrators.
Here is were the extension will help, administrators can use the AWS S3 clients / process to upload everything to the buckets and then import the buckets contents to Magento.
With this extension administrators will be able to change the buckets and folders configuration before run every import, that will allow them to import several buckets to different folders.
Note: if a bucket import fails, administrators will be able to run the import again and the download process will start on the error point.

How to use it in simple steps:

Go to System / Configuration / DwD Extensions / S3 Connector
Configure your key and secret key
Specify the source bucket in S3
Specify the destination folder
Save the configuration
Run the import
If you need to import a different bucket to a different folder just modify the information, save the configuration and run the import again. You can do this as many times you like or need.

Supported versions
Magento 1.5 to 1.9.x.
For support, contact us at info@dwdeveloper.com

Releases (2)

Date Version Notes
2015-02-14 0.1.1

S3 bucket import.

2015-02-12 0.1.0

S3 bucket import.