
Magento Extension
Download latest - 0.1.2

DwDeveloper - Sort search and advanced search results by featured products
The extension will allow administrators to set products as featured, it will improve your catalog search results by adding an option to make the featured products be displayed as firsts items in the search and advanced search results.
How the extension works?

The extension will install / create a "featured_product" attribute, this what will allow administrators to set products as featured.
Additionally in the extension System / Configuration administrators will be able to enable the default sort by features products in the search and advanced search results, that will make all featured products be displayed as the first items in the results.

Simple steps:

Go to Catalog / Manage Products
Edit some products and mark them as featured
Go to System / Configuration / DwD Extensions / Search
Enable the search
Save the configuration
Go to the frontend and do some searchs

Supported versions
Magento 1.8 to 1.9.x.
For support, contact us at info@dwdeveloper.com

Releases (1)

Date Version Notes
2015-02-14 0.1.2

DwD - Sort search and advance search results by featured products.