
Magento Extension
Download latest - 1.1.9

Conversions On Demand is a comprehensive and easy to manage suite of services to improve conversion rates.

Email Booster helps you build the number of shoppers you can target ultimately increasing your sales.

Cart Reminder reminds shoppers they left something in their cart and see your profits increase. It will display the reminder the first time the shopper returns to your store on any page the shopper enters on.

The Cart Closer is designed to convert shoppers that abandon the cart before completing a sale. The Cart Closer displays a customizable offer to the shopper as they are exiting the cart to incent them to stay and complete a sale.

The Daily Deal Bar enables you to schedule promotions days, weeks or months in advance. After uploading your promotions (including single-use coupon), you can forget about them and trust the Daily Deal Bar to automatically update your site and Twitter on the days and times that you've preconfigured.

Time2Buy is patent-pending technology that monitors the browsing behavior of shoppers on your site, and displays hyper time-sensitive offers to motivate shoppers to immediately buy from you. You can control the time, trigger behavior and offer value.

Releases (3)

Date Version Notes
2017-02-27 1.1.9

Released with new extension key

2015-08-17 1.1.8

Minor Upgrade to support CC 3.0

2014-06-04 1.1.7

Released with new extension key