
Magento Extension
Download latest - 0.9.2


ext4mage (ext4mage)

Want to see your order data in a CSV file, that can be put into another system or just for use in Excel. Then here is the easy way to do it. From the administration you can setup the layout of the CSV file, making as many column in the file as you want. Choose the value of column from more than 125 different order, item or itemoptions values, and do it very easy from a simple dropdown list.
You can have as many different file structures as you want, and in configuration just setup which shall be used at the moment. It is as easy as that…
To download installation and user guide go to your website ext4mage.com

Releases (1)

Date Version Notes
2012-05-10 0.9.2

Now also working on 1.7