
Magento Extension
Download latest - 1.0.1

Magemall AjaxLogin
Magemall AjaxLogin will replace the login link to an ajax popup box.It's easy to use without any core code change.

After you downloading, unzip the file and upload to your magento website directory.
Go to the System -> Cache Management, Refresh all the caches. .
Go to the System -> Configuration, and a new tab Magemall -> Magemall AjaxLogin should be added in the left menu.  Click it.
Enable it (See figure-1). If you got a 404 page, please re-login your account and try again.
Come back to your frontend page and click "Login". It should be popup an ajax login box.  (See figure-1).
All done. Enjoy it. 


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Releases (5)

Date Version Notes
2012-08-08 1.0.1

fix a typo in xml

2012-08-05 1.0.0

Magemall AjaxLogin will replace the login link to an ajax popup box.It's easy to use without any code change

2011-07-17 0.5.2

Add the static files, such as js/css/images

2011-07-17 0.5.1

Add the static files, such as js/css/images

2011-07-04 0.5.0

Add the static files, such as js/css/images