
Magento Extension
Download latest - 1.3.0

"The SEOPack module will help to improve your search engine rankings by allowing you to assign custom meta robots tags, enable rel meta tags for paginated pages, orphaning / discontinuing products (products only available via direct URL) and assigning meta robots rules to filtered category pages / layered navigation pages. This gives you added control over the indexation of product pages, category pages and filter pages.
This module will eliminate several often fatal ecommerce SEO issues."

Releases (6)

Date Version Notes
2014-03-14 1.3.0

- Ability to define custom robots value on sorted category pages
- Ability to define custom robots value on categories filtered by category
- Ability to define custom robots value on search pages
- Ability to define custom robots value on CMS pages
- Uninstallation script updated
- Housekeeping

2013-07-12 1.2.3

Bugfix: Prevent error caused when All Meta Robots disabled

2013-07-09 1.2.2

- Bugfix: Configuration tab always first open when viewing system configuration
- Created uninstall script
- General housekeeping

2013-05-29 1.2.1

Bug Fix
Bug causing meta robots to be incorrect on filtered category pages

2012-09-21 1.1.3

Added the following features:

- Custom meta robots at a category and product level

- Filter page meta robots

- Product orphaning

- Top sites analytics protection

- Fix for missing meta robots attribute

2012-02-16 1.1.2

Added the following features:

- Custom meta robots at a category and product level
- Filter page meta robots
- Product orphaning
- Top sites analytics protection