
Magento Extension
Download latest - 1.0.0


hqpeak (HQPeak)

Most of the time Tor exit nodes are used to enumerate vulnerabilities of our online product, to perform attack or to be used as a spam source. This extension allow us to limit the actions that could be performed by the users that are coming from a Tor exit nodes using http://hqpeak.com/torexitlist/ free service. Could be upgraded to premium or could be set up any url to service that will give you response in the described json format. Premium list is updated on every 5 minutes, while free version list is updated on 5 h.

With this extension you can apply following constraints to the Tor visitors:

Visits (Tor users can read only public content on the site)
Front-end (Tor users can visit the client side of the site)
Administration (Tor users can access the administration panel)
Registration (Tor users can register for the site)
Request (Tor users can send POST requests)

Or to ban any action by its URL e.g. not allow accessing resources that POST or GET requests, module names, controller names or action names.

Releases (1)

Date Version Notes
2014-06-16 1.0.0

This is a stable v1.0.0 Tor Blocker extension which is developed and tested under Magento v1.8.1.0