
Magento Extension
Download latest - 0.1.0

Bulk import custom Magento coupons & shopping cart price rules with easy

Our Coupon Import extension for Magento provides a simple and quick solution for importing custom coupon codes with shopping cart price rules.

Maybe you'd like to import coupons received for marketing campaigns or other purpose. With Coupon Import for Magento you can bulk upload your custom coupons in a less time, whether it's just a couple or thousands coupons at once!

Upload thousands of coupon codes in a snap

Coupon Import for Magento offers two ways of bulk importing your custom coupons in your shopping cart price rule.

All your import CSV file will uploaded under /media/import/coupon/
Once you will import that CSV file it will move to archives with rename it prefix by [ymd]_coupon.csv under /media/import/coupon/archives/ymd_coupon.csv for your future backup or reused.

Shopping Cart Price Rules grid have field to display no. of usage of coupons.

We have implemented default grid export functionality to Shopping Cart Price Rules.
So, this export csv file field names will be change. So do not use exported CSV file directly to import.
You have to refer sample coupon CSV format for import. You will found it under /media/import/coupon/sample_coupon.csv
Below are some of field explanation with their values.

rule_name : Specify rule name
description : Specify rule description
status : 0 for Inactive, 1 for Active
customer_group : Customer Group Id, if more than one group then put comma separated value. eg. 1,2,3
coupon_code : coupon code (numeric or Alphanumeric)
from_date : Date should be in format like 7/20/2015
to_date : Date should be in format like 7/30/2015
discount_type : the value should be by_percent, cart_fixed, by_fixed.
discount_amount : If you selected by_percent then value no more than 100.
user_per_coupon : Number of user per coupon
stop_rules_processing : 0 for No, 1 for Yes
uses_per_customer : No. of usage per coupon
simple_free_shipping : 0 for No, 1 for Yes
website : Mention website id. If more than one then put comma separated value. e.g. 1,2,3
discount_qty : If you selected discount_type as by_fixed then you have to set this value otherwise it will apply each qty of cart item.

Releases (1)

Date Version Notes
2015-07-28 0.1.0

Import Export Coupon with Shopping Cart Price Rules