Version Notes
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Release Info
Developer | Ansyori |
Extension | Indonesia_Locale |
Version | |
Comparing to | |
See all releases |
Code changes from version to
- app/design/frontend/base/default/locale/id_ID/translate.csv +100 -0
- app/design/frontend/default/default/locale/id_ID/translate.csv +100 -0
- app/design/frontend/rwd/default/locale/id_ID/translate.csv +100 -0
- app/locale/id_ID/Mage_Customer.csv +10 -10
- app/locale/id_ID/template/email/alertreminder_abandoned_email_template.html +1 -0
- app/locale/id_ID/template/email/ansyori/alertreminder_abandoned_email_template.html +62 -0
- app/locale/id_ID/template/email/ansyori/alertreminder_wishlist_email_template.html +1 -0
- app/locale/id_ID/template/email/html/header.html +45 -45
- package.xml +4 -4
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
1 |
"This is a required field.","Kolom ini dibutuhkan"
2 |
"Please enter a valid email address. For example","Silahkan masukan email dengan benar. Contohnya"
3 |
"You have no items in your wishlist.","Tidak ada produk dalam wishlist"
4 |
5 |
"Product Review","Review Produk"
6 |
"Write Your Review","Review Produk"
7 |
"Search entire store here...","Cari produk disini..."
8 |
"Login to your Account","Masuk ke Akun Anda"
9 |
"Please fill your registered below to login","Silahkan isi Email dan Password dibawah"
10 |
11 |
"Login / register using your social media account","Login menggunakan akun sosial media anda"
12 |
"Forgot Your Password?","Lupa Password?"
13 |
"Do not have an account? <em>Create now</em> & catch the awesomeness! ","Belum punya akun? <em>Buat Sekarang</em> & temukan kehebatannya!"
14 |
15 |
"Create Account","Buat Akun"
16 |
"Do not have an account? ","Belum punya Akun?"
17 |
"Customer Login","Login Customer"
18 |
"Subscribe Newsletter","Berlangganan Newsletter"
19 |
"Find Us On","Temukan Kami"
20 |
"Confirm Password","Konfirmasi Password"
21 |
"Create your new account","Buat Akun Anda"
22 |
"Register using your social media account","Daftar dengan sosial media anda"
23 |
"Please fill the form below. All filed is need to be filled.","Silahkan isi kolom berikut"
24 |
"Your First Name","Nama Depan Kamu"
25 |
"Your Last Name","Nama Belakang Kamu"
26 |
"Your Email Address","Alamat Email Kamu"
27 |
"Create Your Password","Ketikan Password Kamu"
28 |
"Retype your new password","Ketik Ulang Password Kamu"
29 |
"Subscribe our newsletter","Berlangganan Newsletter"
30 |
"Already have an account?","Sudah punya akun?"
31 |
"Create New Customer Account","Registrasi Akun Baru"
32 |
33 |
"My Product Reviews","Produk reviewku"
34 |
"Newsletter Subscriptions","Berlangganan Newsletter"
35 |
"Recent Orders","Pesanan Terkini"
36 |
"Change Password","Ganti Password"
37 |
"Default Billing Address","Default Alamat Billing"
38 |
"Default Shipping Address","Default Alamat Pengiriman"
39 |
"Manage Addresses","Kelola Alamat"
40 |
"Change Password","Ganti Password"
41 |
"Address Book","Daftar Alamat"
42 |
"Sort By","Urutkan"
43 |
"Filter Product","Filter Produk"
44 |
45 |
"%s Item(s)","%s Produk"
46 |
"Shopping Cart","My Shopping Bag"
47 |
"Enter your coupon code if you have one.","Masukan voucher code disini, jika kamu punya"
48 |
"Please login to create an order or you can use social media account","Silahkan login untuk melanjutkan pemesanan atau kamu juga bisa login menggunakan akun sosial media"
49 |
"Chekout using your social media account","Checkout menggunakan akun sosial media"
50 |
51 |
"Do you want Create an account?","Ingin buat akun?"
52 |
53 |
"Register here","Daftar disini"
54 |
"Ship to this address","Kirim ke alamat ini"
55 |
"Ship to different address","Kirim ke alamat yang berbeda"
56 |
"Street Address2","Alamat 2"
57 |
58 |
"* Required Fields","* Harus diisi"
59 |
"Order Review","Review Pesanan Anda"
60 |
"Shipping Information","Informasi Alamat Pengiriman"
61 |
"Billing Information","Informasi Alamat Penagihan"
62 |
63 |
"Hello, %s!","Halo, %s!"
64 |
"Edit Address","Ubah Alamat"
65 |
66 |
"* Required Fields","* Wajib Diisi"
67 |
"Facebook Account","Akun Facebook"
68 |
"Google Account","Akun Google"
69 |
"Shopping Cart is Empty","Bag Anda Masih Kosong"
70 |
"You have no items in your shopping cart.","Isi Bag anda masih kosong."
71 |
"This is a required field.","Kolom ini wajib diisi"
72 |
"Google Connect","Hubungkan Akun Google"
73 |
"You can connect store account with your Google account so you could login easier in the future.","Kamu bisa hubungkan dengan akun Google kamu, agar kamu bisa login dengan mudah dikemudian hari"
74 |
"Facebook Connect","Hubungkan Akun Facebook"
75 |
"You can connect store account with your Facebook account so you could login easier in the future.","Kamu bisa hubungkan dengan akun Facebook kamu, agar kamu bisa login dengan mudah dikemudian hari"
76 |
"Mage_Newsletter::This email address is already assigned to another user.","Alamat ini sudah terdaftar berlangganan newsletter"
77 |
"There was a problem with the subscription: %s","Ada masalah dengan pendaftaran: %s"
78 |
"Thank you for your subscription.","Terima kasih sudah mendaftar"
79 |
"Mage_Core::This is a required field.","Kolom ini wajib diisi"
80 |
"We have discovered you already have an account at our store. Your Facebook account is now connected to your store account.","Kamu saat ini login menggunakan akun Facebook"
81 |
"You have successfully logged in using your Facebook account.","Kamu saat ini login menggunakan akun Facebook"
82 |
"We have discovered you already have an account at our store. Your Google account is now connected to your store account.","Kamu saat ini login menggunakan akun Google"
83 |
"You have successfully logged in using your Google account.","Kamu saat ini login menggunakan akun Google"
84 |
"Login and password are required.","Alamat Email dan Password harus diisi"
85 |
"Cannot save the customer.","Data customer tidak bisa disimpan"
86 |
"Invalid customer data","Data customer salah"
87 |
"Please, check your email for confirmation key.","Mohon cek email anda untuk konfirmasi"
88 |
"If there is an account associated with %s you will receive an email with a link to reset your password.","Jika ada akun %s anda akan menerima link reset password."
89 |
"Please enter your email.","Email harap diisi"
90 |
"Your password reset link has expired.","Link reset password anda telah expired"
91 |
"New password field cannot be empty.","Kolom pasword baru tidak boleh kosong"
92 |
"Your password has been updated.","Password anda baru saja diganti."
93 |
"Cannot save a new password.","Tidak bisa menyimpan password baru"
94 |
"Invalid password reset token.","Token reset password salah."
95 |
"Wrong customer account specified.","Ada kesalahan pada akun"
96 |
"Your password reset link has expired.","Link reset password anda telah expired"
97 |
"Reset a Password","Reset Password"
98 |
"Mage_Core::Please enter a valid number in this field.","Isi kolom ini hanya dengan angka"
99 |
"Mage_Customer::Add New Address","Tambah Alamat Baru"
100 |
"Mage_Customer::Current Password","Password Saat Ini"
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
1 |
"This is a required field.","Kolom ini dibutuhkan"
2 |
"Please enter a valid email address. For example","Silahkan masukan email dengan benar. Contohnya"
3 |
"You have no items in your wishlist.","Tidak ada produk dalam wishlist"
4 |
5 |
"Product Review","Review Produk"
6 |
"Write Your Review","Review Produk"
7 |
"Search entire store here...","Cari produk disini..."
8 |
"Login to your Account","Masuk ke Akun Anda"
9 |
"Please fill your registered below to login","Silahkan isi Email dan Password dibawah"
10 |
11 |
"Login / register using your social media account","Login menggunakan akun sosial media anda"
12 |
"Forgot Your Password?","Lupa Password?"
13 |
"Do not have an account? <em>Create now</em> & catch the awesomeness! ","Belum punya akun? <em>Buat Sekarang</em> & temukan kehebatannya!"
14 |
15 |
"Create Account","Buat Akun"
16 |
"Do not have an account? ","Belum punya Akun?"
17 |
"Customer Login","Login Customer"
18 |
"Subscribe Newsletter","Berlangganan Newsletter"
19 |
"Find Us On","Temukan Kami"
20 |
"Confirm Password","Konfirmasi Password"
21 |
"Create your new account","Buat Akun Anda"
22 |
"Register using your social media account","Daftar dengan sosial media anda"
23 |
"Please fill the form below. All filed is need to be filled.","Silahkan isi kolom berikut"
24 |
"Your First Name","Nama Depan Kamu"
25 |
"Your Last Name","Nama Belakang Kamu"
26 |
"Your Email Address","Alamat Email Kamu"
27 |
"Create Your Password","Ketikan Password Kamu"
28 |
"Retype your new password","Ketik Ulang Password Kamu"
29 |
"Subscribe our newsletter","Berlangganan Newsletter"
30 |
"Already have an account?","Sudah punya akun?"
31 |
"Create New Customer Account","Registrasi Akun Baru"
32 |
33 |
"My Product Reviews","Produk reviewku"
34 |
"Newsletter Subscriptions","Berlangganan Newsletter"
35 |
"Recent Orders","Pesanan Terkini"
36 |
"Change Password","Ganti Password"
37 |
"Default Billing Address","Default Alamat Billing"
38 |
"Default Shipping Address","Default Alamat Pengiriman"
39 |
"Manage Addresses","Kelola Alamat"
40 |
"Change Password","Ganti Password"
41 |
"Address Book","Daftar Alamat"
42 |
"Sort By","Urutkan"
43 |
"Filter Product","Filter Produk"
44 |
45 |
"%s Item(s)","%s Produk"
46 |
"Shopping Cart","My Shopping Bag"
47 |
"Enter your coupon code if you have one.","Masukan voucher code disini, jika kamu punya"
48 |
"Please login to create an order or you can use social media account","Silahkan login untuk melanjutkan pemesanan atau kamu juga bisa login menggunakan akun sosial media"
49 |
"Chekout using your social media account","Checkout menggunakan akun sosial media"
50 |
51 |
"Do you want Create an account?","Ingin buat akun?"
52 |
53 |
"Register here","Daftar disini"
54 |
"Ship to this address","Kirim ke alamat ini"
55 |
"Ship to different address","Kirim ke alamat yang berbeda"
56 |
"Street Address2","Alamat 2"
57 |
58 |
"* Required Fields","* Harus diisi"
59 |
"Order Review","Review Pesanan Anda"
60 |
"Shipping Information","Informasi Alamat Pengiriman"
61 |
"Billing Information","Informasi Alamat Penagihan"
62 |
63 |
"Hello, %s!","Halo, %s!"
64 |
"Edit Address","Ubah Alamat"
65 |
66 |
"* Required Fields","* Wajib Diisi"
67 |
"Facebook Account","Akun Facebook"
68 |
"Google Account","Akun Google"
69 |
"Shopping Cart is Empty","Bag Anda Masih Kosong"
70 |
"You have no items in your shopping cart.","Isi Bag anda masih kosong."
71 |
"This is a required field.","Kolom ini wajib diisi"
72 |
"Google Connect","Hubungkan Akun Google"
73 |
"You can connect store account with your Google account so you could login easier in the future.","Kamu bisa hubungkan dengan akun Google kamu, agar kamu bisa login dengan mudah dikemudian hari"
74 |
"Facebook Connect","Hubungkan Akun Facebook"
75 |
"You can connect store account with your Facebook account so you could login easier in the future.","Kamu bisa hubungkan dengan akun Facebook kamu, agar kamu bisa login dengan mudah dikemudian hari"
76 |
"Mage_Newsletter::This email address is already assigned to another user.","Alamat ini sudah terdaftar berlangganan newsletter"
77 |
"There was a problem with the subscription: %s","Ada masalah dengan pendaftaran: %s"
78 |
"Thank you for your subscription.","Terima kasih sudah mendaftar"
79 |
"Mage_Core::This is a required field.","Kolom ini wajib diisi"
80 |
"We have discovered you already have an account at our store. Your Facebook account is now connected to your store account.","Kamu saat ini login menggunakan akun Facebook"
81 |
"You have successfully logged in using your Facebook account.","Kamu saat ini login menggunakan akun Facebook"
82 |
"We have discovered you already have an account at our store. Your Google account is now connected to your store account.","Kamu saat ini login menggunakan akun Google"
83 |
"You have successfully logged in using your Google account.","Kamu saat ini login menggunakan akun Google"
84 |
"Login and password are required.","Alamat Email dan Password harus diisi"
85 |
"Cannot save the customer.","Data customer tidak bisa disimpan"
86 |
"Invalid customer data","Data customer salah"
87 |
"Please, check your email for confirmation key.","Mohon cek email anda untuk konfirmasi"
88 |
"If there is an account associated with %s you will receive an email with a link to reset your password.","Jika ada akun %s anda akan menerima link reset password."
89 |
"Please enter your email.","Email harap diisi"
90 |
"Your password reset link has expired.","Link reset password anda telah expired"
91 |
"New password field cannot be empty.","Kolom pasword baru tidak boleh kosong"
92 |
"Your password has been updated.","Password anda baru saja diganti."
93 |
"Cannot save a new password.","Tidak bisa menyimpan password baru"
94 |
"Invalid password reset token.","Token reset password salah."
95 |
"Wrong customer account specified.","Ada kesalahan pada akun"
96 |
"Your password reset link has expired.","Link reset password anda telah expired"
97 |
"Reset a Password","Reset Password"
98 |
"Mage_Core::Please enter a valid number in this field.","Isi kolom ini hanya dengan angka"
99 |
"Mage_Customer::Add New Address","Tambah Alamat Baru"
100 |
"Mage_Customer::Current Password","Password Saat Ini"
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
1 |
"This is a required field.","Kolom ini dibutuhkan"
2 |
"Please enter a valid email address. For example","Silahkan masukan email dengan benar. Contohnya"
3 |
"You have no items in your wishlist.","Tidak ada produk dalam wishlist"
4 |
5 |
"Product Review","Review Produk"
6 |
"Write Your Review","Review Produk"
7 |
"Search entire store here...","Cari produk disini..."
8 |
"Login to your Account","Masuk ke Akun Anda"
9 |
"Please fill your registered below to login","Silahkan isi Email dan Password dibawah"
10 |
11 |
"Login / register using your social media account","Login menggunakan akun sosial media anda"
12 |
"Forgot Your Password?","Lupa Password?"
13 |
"Do not have an account? <em>Create now</em> & catch the awesomeness! ","Belum punya akun? <em>Buat Sekarang</em> & temukan kehebatannya!"
14 |
15 |
"Create Account","Buat Akun"
16 |
"Do not have an account? ","Belum punya Akun?"
17 |
"Customer Login","Login Customer"
18 |
"Subscribe Newsletter","Berlangganan Newsletter"
19 |
"Find Us On","Temukan Kami"
20 |
"Confirm Password","Konfirmasi Password"
21 |
"Create your new account","Buat Akun Anda"
22 |
"Register using your social media account","Daftar dengan sosial media anda"
23 |
"Please fill the form below. All filed is need to be filled.","Silahkan isi kolom berikut"
24 |
"Your First Name","Nama Depan Kamu"
25 |
"Your Last Name","Nama Belakang Kamu"
26 |
"Your Email Address","Alamat Email Kamu"
27 |
"Create Your Password","Ketikan Password Kamu"
28 |
"Retype your new password","Ketik Ulang Password Kamu"
29 |
"Subscribe our newsletter","Berlangganan Newsletter"
30 |
"Already have an account?","Sudah punya akun?"
31 |
"Create New Customer Account","Registrasi Akun Baru"
32 |
33 |
"My Product Reviews","Produk reviewku"
34 |
"Newsletter Subscriptions","Berlangganan Newsletter"
35 |
"Recent Orders","Pesanan Terkini"
36 |
"Change Password","Ganti Password"
37 |
"Default Billing Address","Default Alamat Billing"
38 |
"Default Shipping Address","Default Alamat Pengiriman"
39 |
"Manage Addresses","Kelola Alamat"
40 |
"Change Password","Ganti Password"
41 |
"Address Book","Daftar Alamat"
42 |
"Sort By","Urutkan"
43 |
"Filter Product","Filter Produk"
44 |
45 |
"%s Item(s)","%s Produk"
46 |
"Shopping Cart","My Shopping Bag"
47 |
"Enter your coupon code if you have one.","Masukan voucher code disini, jika kamu punya"
48 |
"Please login to create an order or you can use social media account","Silahkan login untuk melanjutkan pemesanan atau kamu juga bisa login menggunakan akun sosial media"
49 |
"Chekout using your social media account","Checkout menggunakan akun sosial media"
50 |
51 |
"Do you want Create an account?","Ingin buat akun?"
52 |
53 |
"Register here","Daftar disini"
54 |
"Ship to this address","Kirim ke alamat ini"
55 |
"Ship to different address","Kirim ke alamat yang berbeda"
56 |
"Street Address2","Alamat 2"
57 |
58 |
"* Required Fields","* Harus diisi"
59 |
"Order Review","Review Pesanan Anda"
60 |
"Shipping Information","Informasi Alamat Pengiriman"
61 |
"Billing Information","Informasi Alamat Penagihan"
62 |
63 |
"Hello, %s!","Halo, %s!"
64 |
"Edit Address","Ubah Alamat"
65 |
66 |
"* Required Fields","* Wajib Diisi"
67 |
"Facebook Account","Akun Facebook"
68 |
"Google Account","Akun Google"
69 |
"Shopping Cart is Empty","Bag Anda Masih Kosong"
70 |
"You have no items in your shopping cart.","Isi Bag anda masih kosong."
71 |
"This is a required field.","Kolom ini wajib diisi"
72 |
"Google Connect","Hubungkan Akun Google"
73 |
"You can connect store account with your Google account so you could login easier in the future.","Kamu bisa hubungkan dengan akun Google kamu, agar kamu bisa login dengan mudah dikemudian hari"
74 |
"Facebook Connect","Hubungkan Akun Facebook"
75 |
"You can connect store account with your Facebook account so you could login easier in the future.","Kamu bisa hubungkan dengan akun Facebook kamu, agar kamu bisa login dengan mudah dikemudian hari"
76 |
"Mage_Newsletter::This email address is already assigned to another user.","Alamat ini sudah terdaftar berlangganan newsletter"
77 |
"There was a problem with the subscription: %s","Ada masalah dengan pendaftaran: %s"
78 |
"Thank you for your subscription.","Terima kasih sudah mendaftar"
79 |
"Mage_Core::This is a required field.","Kolom ini wajib diisi"
80 |
"We have discovered you already have an account at our store. Your Facebook account is now connected to your store account.","Kamu saat ini login menggunakan akun Facebook"
81 |
"You have successfully logged in using your Facebook account.","Kamu saat ini login menggunakan akun Facebook"
82 |
"We have discovered you already have an account at our store. Your Google account is now connected to your store account.","Kamu saat ini login menggunakan akun Google"
83 |
"You have successfully logged in using your Google account.","Kamu saat ini login menggunakan akun Google"
84 |
"Login and password are required.","Alamat Email dan Password harus diisi"
85 |
"Cannot save the customer.","Data customer tidak bisa disimpan"
86 |
"Invalid customer data","Data customer salah"
87 |
"Please, check your email for confirmation key.","Mohon cek email anda untuk konfirmasi"
88 |
"If there is an account associated with %s you will receive an email with a link to reset your password.","Jika ada akun %s anda akan menerima link reset password."
89 |
"Please enter your email.","Email harap diisi"
90 |
"Your password reset link has expired.","Link reset password anda telah expired"
91 |
"New password field cannot be empty.","Kolom pasword baru tidak boleh kosong"
92 |
"Your password has been updated.","Password anda baru saja diganti."
93 |
"Cannot save a new password.","Tidak bisa menyimpan password baru"
94 |
"Invalid password reset token.","Token reset password salah."
95 |
"Wrong customer account specified.","Ada kesalahan pada akun"
96 |
"Your password reset link has expired.","Link reset password anda telah expired"
97 |
"Reset a Password","Reset Password"
98 |
"Mage_Core::Please enter a valid number in this field.","Isi kolom ini hanya dengan angka"
99 |
"Mage_Customer::Add New Address","Tambah Alamat Baru"
100 |
"Mage_Customer::Current Password","Password Saat Ini"
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
6 |
'%value%' appears to be a local network name but local network names are not allowed,%value%' tampaknya menjadi nama jaringan lokal tetapi nama jaringan lokal tidak diizinkan
7 |
"'%value%' appears to be an IP address, but IP addresses are not allowed","%value%' tampaknya menjadi alamat IP, tapi alamat IP tidak diizinkan"
8 |
'%value%' does not appear to be a valid local network name,%value%' tidak muncul untuk menjadi nama jaringan lokal yang valid
9 |
* Required Fields,*
10 |
11 |
Account Dashboard,Dashboard akun
12 |
Account Information,Informasi Akun
@@ -128,16 +128,16 @@ Delete customer address,Hapus alamat pelanggan
128 |
Deleted Stores,Toko dihapus
129 |
130 |
131 |
132 |
Edit Account Info,Ubah Info Rekening
133 |
Edit Account Information,Edit Informasi Akun
134 |
Edit Address,
135 |
Edit Address Entry,
136 |
"Edit Customer Group ""%s""","
137 |
Edit Customer Groups,Grup
138 |
Edit Customer's Address,Alamat
139 |
Edit Group,
140 |
Edit Newsletters,
141 |
142 |
Email Address,Alamat Email
143 |
Email Sender,Email Sender
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ Forgot Your Password,Lupa Kata Sandi Anda
154 |
Forgot Your Password?,Lupa Kata Sandi Anda?
155 |
Forgot and Remind Email Sender,Lupa dan Ingatkan Email Sender
156 |
Form Fields Before,Bentuk Fields Sebelum
157 |
From your My Account Dashboard you have the ability to view a snapshot of your recent account activity and update your account information. Select a link below to view or edit information.,Dari My Dashboard Akun Anda memiliki kemampuan untuk melihat snapshot dari aktivitas akun baru Anda dan memperbarui informasi account Anda. Pilih link di bawah ini untuk melihat atau
158 |
Gender,Jenis kelamin
159 |
Gender is required.,Jenis Kelamin diperlukan.
160 |
General Subscription,Berlangganan Umum
6 |
'%value%' appears to be a local network name but local network names are not allowed,%value%' tampaknya menjadi nama jaringan lokal tetapi nama jaringan lokal tidak diizinkan
7 |
"'%value%' appears to be an IP address, but IP addresses are not allowed","%value%' tampaknya menjadi alamat IP, tapi alamat IP tidak diizinkan"
8 |
'%value%' does not appear to be a valid local network name,%value%' tidak muncul untuk menjadi nama jaringan lokal yang valid
9 |
* Required Fields,* Wajib Diisi
10 |
11 |
Account Dashboard,Dashboard akun
12 |
Account Information,Informasi Akun
128 |
Deleted Stores,Toko dihapus
129 |
130 |
131 |
132 |
Edit Account Info,Ubah Info Rekening
133 |
Edit Account Information,Edit Informasi Akun
134 |
Edit Address,Ubah Alamat
135 |
Edit Address Entry,Ubah Alamat Entri
136 |
"Edit Customer Group ""%s""","Ubah Pelanggan Grup ""%s"""
137 |
Edit Customer Groups,Grup Ubah Pelanggan
138 |
Edit Customer's Address,Alamat Ubah Nasabah
139 |
Edit Group,Ubah Grup
140 |
Edit Newsletters,Ubah Newsletter
141 |
142 |
Email Address,Alamat Email
143 |
Email Sender,Email Sender
154 |
Forgot Your Password?,Lupa Kata Sandi Anda?
155 |
Forgot and Remind Email Sender,Lupa dan Ingatkan Email Sender
156 |
Form Fields Before,Bentuk Fields Sebelum
157 |
From your My Account Dashboard you have the ability to view a snapshot of your recent account activity and update your account information. Select a link below to view or edit information.,Dari My Dashboard Akun Anda memiliki kemampuan untuk melihat snapshot dari aktivitas akun baru Anda dan memperbarui informasi account Anda. Pilih link di bawah ini untuk melihat atau Ubah informasi.
158 |
Gender,Jenis kelamin
159 |
Gender is required.,Jenis Kelamin diperlukan.
160 |
General Subscription,Berlangganan Umum
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 |
for abandoned cart euy
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
1 |
<!--@subject Your Order on, {{var storeName}} @-->
2 |
3 |
{"store url=\"\"":"Store Url",
4 |
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5 |
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6 |
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<p><strong>Hello {{var customerName}},</strong></p>
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<p>We saw that you didn't get a chance to finish your {{var storeName}} order.
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There is still time to complete your purchase, just visit your shopping cart. Buy hurry! Many of our items sell out quickly and we don't want you to miss out.
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<p>Your Shopping Cart Contents: </p>
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<p><strong>{{var produkList}}</strong></p>
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<p><a href="{{var url_recover}}" >Recover </a><br> (url:{{var url_recover}})</p>
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<p>If you believe you completed your purchas. We apologize, if you already completed your purchase and received this message by mistake.</p>
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<p>Sincerely, {{var storeName}} Team</p>
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<p><a href="{{var getStoreUrl}}">{{var storeName}}</a></p>
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for wishlist cart euy
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