
Magento Extension
Download latest - 1.0.3

If you are an owner or operator of a Magento online store, the iOS Alerts extension for Magento and companion iOS app allow you to browse sales stats and receive alerts on-the-go. Configure the push notifications you need, including alerts for any order, expedited shipping orders, large orders, site downtime, and Magento security releases.
The extension allows access to a rolling shutter of the past 30 days of order information. If enabled, generic information is stored about new orders that are placed on your online store. This information is limited to the order increment ID, order total, shipping method, the items that were purchased, and the IP address used during checkout.No identifying information about customers (e.g., name, address, credit card number, etc) is retained.Sales data is stored for a period of 30 days and then purged. This means year-on-year sales analysis is not supported.

Releases (3)

Date Version Notes
2015-09-25 1.0.3

Added better support for images routed through the One Pica Image CDN plugin

2015-08-12 1.0.2

Added better support for multishipping checkouts

2015-07-29 1.0.1

Initial stable module release