
Magento Extension
Download latest - 1.0.1

Very easy to use, then install this extension, you will have a new menu in the admin and you'll have this new dashboard.
Dashboard functionality:
Allows List all orders, perform searches, detail them.
Lets list all the customer, perform searches, clarify them.
Lets list all the products, perform searches, clarify them.

Graphics of customer, orders, products ranges of dates.
Displays statistical summaries of comportment of Customer, orders, products in the last week.

In magento, orders, products and Customer are in 3 different locations, with this extension, you will have everything and more on the same page, in a very easy way to use.

Releases (4)

Date Version Notes
2015-03-18 1.0.1

This is stable realase

2015-03-12 1.0.0

This is stable realase

2015-03-09 0.1.1

This is stable realase

2015-03-09 0.1.0

This is stable realase