
Magento Extension
Download latest - 1.0.0


A Magento Extension that will allow to add javascript and css for static blocks. This extension makes static blocks somewhat "dynamic". For every static block, there will be provision to add javascript and CSS to that particular static block. Whenever static blocks with js and css are rendered in frontend, these properties will get applied to that static blocks


Currently this extension supports Magento 1.8,1.8.1,1.9


Don't put script or style tags inside the text areas. The extension will autogenerate this enclosure html tags.
You can put javascirpt and css directly inside text areas
Don't put html contents inside the text area
You can put jquery in text area. In this case, it is your job to make sure that, necessary jquery files are added.
By default, all the script that are related to static blocks are get included in the bottom side of the page and css files are included in head part (bottom side).

Releases (1)

Date Version Notes
2014-08-21 1.0.0

This is first stable release of the extension. This is well tested in all new magento releases.