
Magento Extension
Download latest - 0.3.0

SimpleSeo extension is use for set Dynamic Meta Data on Fly with a simple configuration

You can set Meta Title , Meta Keyword and Meta Description dynamic

Example: if your product name is XYZ Product and you want to set meta title like Buy XYZ Product from ABC Brand then you can set it by set configuration like Buy [product_name] from [product_manufacturer] Brand


For Set Meta Data for Category and Product

1) Go to System > Configuration

2) Select Catalog from left bar

3) Select Simple Seo Section

4) If you want to set the meta data formula then and want to use category attributes like name then you have to use like this [category_name] Where category_ is the prefix and name is the category attribute, you have to use prefix category_ for category attributes and prefix product_ for product attribute,

Set Meta Title for CMS Page

1) Go to Cms > Page > Meta Data

please check screenshot for more information

Releases (3)

Date Version Notes
2014-06-06 0.3.0

Fix Price issue in meta data

2014-05-03 0.2.0

Add Field for Meta TItle for CMS Page

2014-04-19 0.1.0

Introducing the first version of simple seo