
Magento Extension
Download latest - 1.0.1

It is a highly advance module which works very simple .
Allows the store owner to add latest news like ongoing offers in backend the same would be displayed in frontend with a smooth fading effect .
One can also use it to show discount coupons or offers which attracts customer and thereby can increase sales.

Features :

Pleasant smooth display .

Light , as it adds less load on server .

Have history button on top right to load closed notification to review it .

Compatible with all browsers .
Allows to add custom html code as wanted .

Have two types :
1. Small : Displays in right bottom .
2. Big : Displays in bottom .

Randomly selects news , so that the same news is not displayed everytime .
Has Export / Import functionality

Steps for Installing :

1. Check cache is disabled. [System->Cache Management]
2. Install extension through connect Manager. [System -> Magento Connect -> Magento Connect Manager]
3. Logout from admin
4. After login again , Go to System->Configuration->LATEST NEWS NOTIFIER(Left side)->Settings
5. Enable Latest News Notifier : Yes to enable module
6. Include jquery : Yes to enable jQuery (Enable it only if you have not included jquery)
7. You may see a new submenu by name Latestnews under CMS menu.
8. Click on it and go to 'Add Item'.
9. Fill in those details .
10. Enabled / Disabled Field : If Enabled then only you would see the news notification in frontend.

Releases (2)

Date Version Notes
2014-06-13 1.0.1

Folder Structure reformatted

2014-06-13 1.0.0

Added Enabling / Disabling module functionality