
Magento Extension
Download latest - 0.1.2

1. This extension hides the price and the add to cart button for specific products and replaces it with a Call For Price Button. This feature is applied to Product Details page , Product List page (Categroy page), Search result page. The above functionality can be set both at Product Level and Category Level. In the case of categories, all the products in that category will show the Call For Price Button.The above functionality may also be set to target specific Customer Groups.Also we can enable call for price feature for specific time period set in admin under module's configuration.

2. The extension uses Jquery/Fancy Box.

3. This extension support Simple Products,Configurable Products,Bundle Products,Virtual Products.

4. This extension Created call_for_price_active attribute for both Product and Category. With Default value set to NO.
Also one custom email template is added named : Call For Price which will be used for sending email to admin.

5. The extension creates 1 database table
- wsc_callprice_request

6. This does not override any Core classes.

7. The extension overrides the catalog/product/view/addtocart.phtml template for Product View page. The template change is done through
layout XML, where the callprice/callforprice.phtml template is set to the product info block.

The extension overrides the catalog/product/list.phtml template for Product List page. The template change is done through
layout XML, where the callprice/catalog/product/list.phtml template is set to the Product List block.

This extension uses callprice/callforprice_form.phtml template file for Request Form when we click on Call For Price button on product view page.


1. When Call For Price is enabled for specific product than will not see price for that product and also add to cart button will be replaced by
Call For Price button.

If Call For Price is enabled for specific categroy than will have all products of that categroy shows Call For Price Button.

If Call for price is enabled for specific Customer Group , than when customer login and belogs to that Group will see Call For Price button
Instead of Add to Cart and will not be able to see Price.

If Call for Price is enabled for specific Date Range From - To than will have Call For Price Button visible instead of Add to cart for all products.

2. Clicking on Call For Price button will open Call for Price Request form in Popup with fields Name , Email ,Telephone and Request Details.
All fields are Mandatory. And Auto Fill like customer is loggin than his Name , Email and Telephone will be pre filled.
The Request Details field will have pre filled Product name , and selected product options in text format.
Product name = Test
Shirt Size = Small
Color = Red

This form has Validation feature.
When we submit this form , it will save data to DB table and send email to Admin.


1. All Call For Price Request can be viewed in the backend by visiting CallPrice -> Manage Request Menu

2. A Request view is available by clicking on a particular Request. Admin can change status of that request either Complete.

System Configurations

1. Set Call for Price Module configuration.

System =>Configuration => Catalog => Catalog => Call for Price

We have following Fields.
- Call For Price Button Text : This is the text to be displayed in the Call For Price button
- Send Email To : The email address to which the price request email will be sent
- Email Sender : Email Sender
- Email Template : choose email template
- Customer Groups : customer groups to which the Call For Price functionality will be applied
- Show on Specific Date Range : If set to yes, the Call For Price Buttons will only be available in the front-end during a
particular date range. If set to No, the functionality will always be available.
- From Date : From Date
- To Date : To Date

Releases (3)

Date Version Notes
2014-08-28 0.1.2

Hides the price and the add to cart button for specific products and replaces it with a Call For Price Button

2014-04-14 0.1.1

This extension hides the price and the add to cart button for specific products and replaces it with a
Call For Price Button. This feature is applied to Product Details page , Product List page (Categroy page),
Search result page. The above functionality can be set both at Product Level and Category Level. In the case
of categories, all the products in that category will show the Call For Price Button.The above functionality
may also be set to target specific Customer Groups.Also we can enable call for price feature for specific time
priod set in admin under module's configuration.

2014-04-11 0.1.0

Hides the price and the add to cart button for specific products and replaces it with a Call For Price Button. This feature is applied to Product Details page , Product List page (Categroy page),Search result page.