
Magento Extension
Download latest - 1.0.19

This extension links your web shop customers that have subscribed to your newsletter with your account on Laposta's email marketing system.

This extension requires Magento CE v1.5 or greater and makes use of Magento's built in cron (automated script execution at regular intervals). An account with Laposta is also required, of course.

This extension is installable via the Magento Connect Manager.
Please follow the instruction provided by Magento for installing and maintaing extensions.
Remember: Once you have installed the plugin please log out of the admin panel and log in again. You may also need to clear Magento's storage cache (System > Cache Management) before the plugin becomes available for configuration and usage.

Configuration and Usage
To configure your extension and start the synchronization process please go to System > Configuration. In the left menu you should have a Laposta section with a Laposta Configuration link.
Aside from providiing your Laposta API key this extension will work out of the box though we encourage you to provide a Laposta List Name of your choosing to be able to identify your mailing list within Laposta.

Please see the FAQ section for questions.

Releases (20)

Date Version Notes
2015-12-07 1.0.19

- Import non-customer newsletter subscribers

2015-11-26 1.0.18

- Prevent duplicate email address subscriptions

2015-09-03 1.0.17

- Use basic date formatting for compatibility with magento-

2015-09-02 1.0.16

- Tested for compatibility with Magento CE and

2015-09-02 1.0.15

- Repackage 1.0.14 with max PHP version 6.0.0

2015-09-02 1.0.14

- Fixed bug with subscription observer in Magento CE
- Tested for compatibility with Magento CE

2014-09-25 1.0.13

- Added missing event declarations from admin

2014-09-25 1.0.12

- Formatting and additional logging
- Added registration for newsletter subscribe events
- Added subscribe/unsubscribe event handlers
- Fixed remove contact function
- Using native newsletter table instead of customer table for subscriber list
- Updated sync function to include anonymous newsletter subscriptions
- native subscriber id column added to laposta subscriber table

2014-08-14 1.0.11

- Ignore laposta internal email field within Magento

2014-06-03 1.0.10

- Moved Laposta library into Laposta Connect module root

2014-06-03 1.0.9

- Removed usage of getTable method to resolve laposta table names

2014-06-03 1.0.8

- Fix for install process

2014-06-03 1.0.7

- Removed debug statements

2014-06-03 1.0.6

- Bug fix for install process

2014-06-03 1.0.5

- Updated version number to reflect inition release version

2014-06-03 1.0.4

- Possible fix for db setup bug
- Possible fix for db setup bug (2)

2014-05-16 1.0.3

- Additional logging
- Updated subscribe mechanism
- Fix for updates from Laposta not being stored correctly

2014-05-13 1.0.2

- Filter updated subscribers with updates since last sync time
- Fixed erroneous Laposta webhook handler

2014-04-25 1.0.1

- Removed redundant newsletter menu item
- Added reset for synchronised entries when API key is changed

2014-03-20 1.0.0

First release of the Laposta plugin for Magento.