
Magento Extension
Download latest - 0.1.3

Online payment fraud is the fastest growing type of fraud across the global payment landscape. With all occurrences of online fraud, merchants are held 100% liable. This liability includes fraud-chargebacks, loss of goods/services, replenishment costs, further penalties and other administration costs. This can be very crippling to your business and bottom line.

Using its proprietary solution, SafePay Network Inc. is committed to protecting both your business and customers against online payment fraud, 24/7. There is no disruption to your business or your customers’ experiences. There are no cart abandonment issues. Consumers will have a greater peace of mind shopping online with your business because they feel safer!! This service is completely free to consumers to register and it’s incredibly simple to setup. It’s truly simple, safe and seamless.

Releases (1)

Date Version Notes
2014-05-22 0.1.3

This is our first version. We will have updates when needed