
Magento Extension
Download latest - 1.0.1

By default in Magento all JavaScript files are placed in html tag, that means your visitors see a blank page while JavaScript loads. It's ok if you use default Magento theme, but all custom themes have lot's of additional JavaScript that increases loading time dramatically.

Javascript Defer Extension parses all of your JavaScript and places it at the bottom right before closing tag to reduce blocking of page rendering and avoid users seeing a blank page while JavaScript loads. That increases performance of your store.

You don't need to customize any code in template files, the extension does that automatically before magento core render html code.

* Defer parsing of JavaScript
* Speeds up the store loading
* Reduces the server loading
* Increases rating of your store in GTmetrix
* Easy configuration

Releases (2)

Date Version Notes
2015-11-06 1.0.1

Initial release

2015-11-05 1.0.0

Version 1.0 of the extension.