
Magento Extension
Download latest - 2.2.1

With Megaventory, you will efficiently manage all your inventory, purchasing and order fullfilment needs. This module synchronizes Magento to your account and adds support for multiple inventory locations, purchase orders, work orders (using bill of materials) and custom inventory, sales and purchasing reports.

Releases (5)

Date Version Notes
2016-09-20 2.2.1

This update fixes some minor bugs during initial synchronization between Magento and Megaventory

2016-05-30 2.2.0

This update adds -the much requested- support for multiple Magento stores! More specifically, multiple Magento stores can pull inventory information from a single Megaventory account while Sales Orders from all Magento stores will be pushed to the same Megaventory account.

This extension is also fully operational with single Mageno installations.

Finally, a few bugs have been fixed and various code optimizations have been applied.

2014-11-25 2.1.0

This update includes the following feature additions:
(A) If a custom product attribute has been added in Magento to “link” products
to supplier entities, this information (the supplier of the product)
will also be pushed to Megaventory either during the initial setup wizard or at any time a Magento product is saved/updated.
(B) The Notify for Quantity Below (Stock Alert level) figure is automatically synced between Magento and Megaventory
Moreover, a few bugs have been fixed and various code optimizations have been applied.

2014-07-30 2.0.1

This new minor version catches bulk imports of products and customers from Magento, which now are flowing to Megaventory.
Extended dataflow profile imports are not yet supported. This affects older Magento versions that do not have default import processes (no System->Import/Export->Import option)

Furthermore the following bugs were fixed:
- Sometines wrong shipment id was used when applied a Megaventory shipping pending update. Now we ensure that the right shipment increment id is applied at all times
- Order references to Megaventory's inventory locations are also being reset when user resets global data

2014-06-05 2.0.0

With this update we have re-engineered the way entities (orders, stock) are synchronized between magento and megaventory. This brings significant speed and response time improvements to both megaventory and magento.

Moreover, this update includes the following feature additions:

- If due to network related issues (or other issues) one or more Magento orders fail to pass through to Megaventory, an automated mechanism re-syncs those at regular time intervals.

- Bug fixes and code optimizations