
Magento Extension
Download latest - 1.6.1

mVentory is an Android application for efficient management of Magento stores. This extension provides additional API functionality and is required for the app to connect to your Magento website.

App Features

Create new products

Edit product details and attributes

Take product photos with the phone

Take photos with an external camera and upload via the phone

Upload photos from a digital library or from the Internet

Scan product barcodes

Check out product sold in the shop

View and manage orders

Manage shipping, scan shipping labels

Download the app from Google Play ( or find out more on


You need to configure user access and product attributes. Read a step by step guide ( or contact our support on


Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 (

The extension is free for non-commercial or trial use. Please, request a FREE commercial license from

Visit for more info.

Releases (10)

Date Version Notes
2016-03-13 1.6.1

* Fix the bug which prevents another users of Magento API to send order emails

2016-02-08 1.6.0

* Bug fixes and refactoring
* Image Review moved into separate extension
* Compatibility with SUPEE-6788
* Allow category matching based on yes/no attributes

Note: Category matching has changed. All rules that match will be applied to make
assignment of a product to multiple categories easier.

2015-04-30 1.5.1

* Fix HTTPS handling for android app links
* Updated config hints and tooltips

2015-04-21 1.5.0

* Add additional data (price, QTY, images, etc) to output of product.list API call

* Other small bug fixies and improvements

2015-02-24 1.4.1

* Fix setting default category on create/updating product

* Fix bug which breaks API settings page in Magento versions prior 1.9 release

2015-02-16 1.4.0

* Added use of SKU attribute when searching product by barcode

* Support for multicategories in category matching editor

* Category matching editor improvements (better help and error messages)

* Dropped functionality for sorting attributes in catalog filter, functionality for better product details on frontend

* Other small improvements and bug fixes

2015-02-01 1.1.3

* Use also SKU attribute when searching product by barcode

* Support for multicategories in category matching editor

* Category matching editor improvements (better help and error messages)

* Dropped functionality for sorting attributes in catalog filter, functionality for better product details on frontend

* Other small improvements and bug fixes

2015-01-31 1.1.2

* Use also SKU attribute when searching product by barcode

* Support for multicategories in category matching editor

* Category matching editor improvements (better help and error messages)

* Dropped functionality for sorting attributes in catalog filter, functionality for better product details on frontend

* Other small improvements and bug fixes

2015-01-31 1.1.1

* Use also SKU attribute when searching product by barcode

* Support for multicategories in category matching editor

* Category matching editor improvements (better help and error messages)

* Dropped functionality for sorting attributes in catalog filter, functionality for better product details on frontend

* Other small improvements and bug fixes

2014-08-09 1.1.0

NOTE: make sure you use this release with mVentory App version 20140804 or later.

* Allow to choose default visibility for products without photos that have been created via the phone app
* Add Shipping attribute with following options: Small Envelope, Large Envelope, Parcel, Courier and Freight
* Remove API access control
* Remove setting to choose websites which are used for newly created product. Current website is used instead.
* Remove filtering of attributes used in the app by undescore symbol at the end of name
* Improve admin interface
* Remove some non-related functionality
* Bug fixes

This release contains some major changes in the API part of the code and attribute handling. Contact our support if you run into problems or need help upgrading.