
Magento Extension
Download latest - 0.1.0

Image switcher let you change the product images based on different selections for configurable attributes in the product catalog.

· Support up to two configurable attributes (e.g. Color and Material) and is able to work as independent sections or a combined selection in the front end. This can be configured in backed at store level.

· Admin interface will have the facility to define what configurable attributes are to be used for image switching

· Admin interface will have the ability to define a folder location to pick the respective images to be displayed in frontend based on the attribute configuration

· Listing pages

o Users are able to see what colors and/or materials [these two parameters are configurable] a product is available in

o By selecting the color and /or material users are able to view a picture of the product

o Ability of adding configurable products to cart from listing pages

· Product pages

o Upon selecting a color and / or material multiple images are refreshed

o AJAX reloading for better usability

Releases (1)

Date Version Notes
2013-11-07 0.1.0

0.1.0 stable release