
Magento Extension
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This extension extends the v2 API for integration with NewHaven Software's Commerce Management System (CMS).

Adds the following to the v2 API:
cmsapiChecknhsInstalled: To verify this extension has been added to the API
cmsapiCustomFields: This API call is used to get order level data based on the fields entered in System Configuration that may not be published in the v2 API
cmsapiGiftMessageInfo: This API call is used to gain access to the "To" and "From" fields used in gift messages
Extend catalogProductCreate: to allow the passing of additional productdata fields: configurable_products and configurable_attributes (structure documented in the wsdl)
Extend salesProductInfo: for items the product_options property was changed to json (from serialized php). This is required for downloading orders containing configurable products

This extension is required for integration with the CMS eCMS module.

Releases (13)

Date Version Notes
2015-12-16 02/03/2015

Updated configuration display. Added the current website id and the store view id to the configuration page 01/20/2014

Updated Saved CC support. Added framework for storing extension data in the Magento database. Deprecated the cmsapiCustomFields method. Added the cmsapiCustomFieldsObject method for more advanced usage of custom field data and nested arrays 01/08/2014

Updated custom fields to better support 3rd party classes. The third party class needs to support the info method accepting an order increment id as the only parameter

2014-08-28 01/20/2014

Updated Saved CC support. Added framework for storing extension data in the Magento database. Depricated the cmsapiCustomFields method. Added the cmsapiCustomFieldsObject method for more advanced usage of custom field data and nested arrays 01/08/2014

Updated custom fields to better support 3rd party classes. The third party class needs to support the info method accepting an order increment id as the only parameter 11/12/2013

Updated support for size and color products. This update is required for any size and/or color products. Also in this version is a fix for blank screens or errors when attempting to configure roles.

2014-01-08 01/08/2014

Updated custom fields to better support 3rd party classes. The third party class needs to support the info method accepting an order increment id as the only parameter 11/12/2013

Updated support for size and color products. This update is required for any size and/or color products. Also in this version is a fix for blank screens or errors when attempting to configure roles. 10/14/2013

In the V2 API changed the salesOrderInfo item.product_options from serialized php to json text for configurable product attribute information used during order download into CMS.

2013-11-25 11/12/2013

Updated support for size and color products. This update is required for any size and/or color products. Also in this version is a fix for blank screens or errors when attempting to configure roles. 10/14/2013

In the V2 API changed the salesOrderInfo item.product_options from serialized php to json text for configurable product attribute information used during order download into CMS. 09/18/2013

Added cmsapiGiftMessageInfo to the V2 api that will return an object with to,from, and message values. See the NewHaven Software Magento Setup Guide for more information about the message template plug-in option.

2013-10-14 10/14/2013

In the V2 API changed the salesOrderInfo item.product_options from serialized php to json text for configurable product attribute information used during order download into CMS. 09/18/2013

Added cmsapiGiftMessageInfo to the V2 api that will return an object with to,from, and message values. See the NewHaven Software Magento Setup Guide for more information about the message template plug-in option.

The first Amasty Order Attributes implementation was not working properly. In this release added more flexible support for custom fields. You can now define a custom field with this syntax: CLASS_API/path/fieldName. For Amasty this would be: Amasty_Orderattr_Model_Sales_Order_Api/custom/fieldName the limitation here is the class must have an info method that accepts the order increment ID as the parameter. Also the field names all need to be unique.

Added cmsapiGiftMessageInfo to the V2 api that will return an object with to,from, and message values. See the NewHaven Software Magento Setup Guide for more information about the message template plug-in option.
The first Amasty Order Attributes implementation was not working properly. In this release added more flexible support for custom fields. You can now define a custom field with this syntax: CLASS_API/path/fieldName. For Amasty this would be: Amasty_Orderattr_Model_Sales_Order_Api/custom/fieldName the limitation here is the class must have an info method that accepts the order increment ID as the parameter. Also the field names all need to be unique.
Removed error data introduced in
Added support for Amasty Order Attributes for use with custom fields
Removed unneeded module dependency. Added the ability to set global custom_field values.

In addition to a comma delimited list of order fields. You can now add name=value in the Custom Fields list. These will be sent with every order.

In CMS add a matching custom field plug-in option:
Name: CMS XML element name to store the data
Value: the custom field name specified in Magento
Type: Custom Field

If no mapping plug-in option is found, the values will appear in the order notes.
Changed module dependency to Mage_Api
Added app/etc/modules/NewHavenSoftware_CMSAPI.xml file to enable the extension.
Added cmsapiCustomFields to the v2 API. This API call is used to get order level data based on the fields entered in System Configuration

Added configuration option "NewHaven Software Settings" to the Services tab of System>Configuration. This provides the custom fields setting. Enter a comma delimited list of order level attributes that may be custom and not available in the v2 API.

The first Amasty Order Attributes implementation was not working properly. In this release added more flexible support for custom fields. You can now define a custom field with this syntax: CLASS_API/path/fieldName. For Amasty this would be: Amasty_Orderattr_Model_Sales_Order_Api/custom/fieldName the limitation here is the class must have an info method that accepts the order increment ID as the parameter. Also the field names all need to be unique.
Removed error data introduced in
Added support for Amasty Order Attributes for use with custom fields
Removed unneeded module dependency. Added the ability to set global custom_field values.

In addition to a comma delimited list of order fields. You can now add name=value in the Custom Fields list. These will be sent with every order.

In CMS add a matching custom field plug-in option:
Name: CMS XML element name to store the data
Value: the custom field name specified in Magento
Type: Custom Field

If no mapping plug-in option is found, the values will appear in the order notes.
Changed module dependency to Mage_Api
Added app/etc/modules/NewHavenSoftware_CMSAPI.xml file to enable the extension.
Added cmsapiCustomFields to the v2 API. This API call is used to get order level data based on the fields entered in System Configuration

Added configuration option "NewHaven Software Settings" to the Services tab of System>Configuration. This provides the custom fields setting. Enter a comma delimited list of order level attributes that may be custom and not available in the v2 API.

Removed error data introduced in
Added support for Amasty Order Attributes for use with custom fields
Removed unneeded module dependency. Added the ability to set global custom_field values.

In addition to a comma delimited list of order fields. You can now add name=value in the Custom Fields list. These will be sent with every order.

In CMS add a matching custom field plug-in option:
Name: CMS XML element name to store the data
Value: the custom field name specified in Magento
Type: Custom Field

If no mapping plug-in option is found, the values will appear in the order notes.
Changed module dependency to Mage_Api
Added app/etc/modules/NewHavenSoftware_CMSAPI.xml file to enable the extension.
Added cmsapiCustomFields to the v2 API. This API call is used to get order level data based on the fields entered in System Configuration

Added configuration option "NewHaven Software Settings" to the Services tab of System>Configuration. This provides the custom fields setting. Enter a comma delimited list of order level attributes that may be custom and not available in the v2 API.


Added support for Amasty Order Attributes to custom fields


Removed unneeded module dependency. Added the ability to set global custom_field values.

In addition to a comma delimited list of order fields. You can now add name=value in the Custom Fields list. These will be sent with every order.

In CMS add a matching custom field plug-in option:
Name: CMS XML element name to store the data
Value: the custom field name specified in Magento
Type: Custom Field

If no mapping plug-in option is found, the values will appear in the order notes.


changed module dependency to Mage_Api


Added app/etc/modules/NewHavenSoftware_CMSAPI.xml file to enable the extension.


Added cmsapiCustomFields to the v2 API. This API call is used to get order level data based on the fields entered in System Configuration

Added configuration option "NewHaven Software Settings" to the Services tab of System>Configuration. This provides the custom fields setting. Enter a comma delimited list of order level attributes that may be custom and not available in the v2 API.