Magento Extension
Download latest - 2.0.10


bpk_oneid (OneID)

OneID is an easy-to-integrate digital identity service that lets makes it one-click easy for users to sign into your site. With OneID, you’ll never again have to deal with lost or forgotten password issues, saving you time and money.

Benefits for you

Reduced costs: No more lost password support is needed, saving you time and money.
Secured accounts: Layered security protects customers (and you) against breaches and attacks, like phishing and malware.
Mobile acceleration: One-click sign in makes it easy for users to login while on their mobile devices.
For your users, OneID offers
Easy Checkout: Allow your customers (those with accounts and guest checkouts) to fill out your check out forms with a single click of a OneID checkout button.

Privacy: OneID does not track any user behavior – and certainly won’t share it.
Security: OneID secures customer information using three separate cryptographic combinations across multiple devices.
Convenience: OneID removes the hassle of having to remember user names and passwords.
And along with all those great benefits to you and your users, with this plugin you'll also get to use OneID to log into and administer your WordPress site using your OneID.

Releases (24)

Date Version Notes
2013-09-18 2.0.10

Remove OneID Checkout button from shopping cart page.

2013-08-20 2.0.9

Fix PHP compatability version.

2013-08-19 2.0.8

Update Magento to work with laster OneID release. (v 2.1 of API)

2013-08-19 2.0.7

Fix Checkout bug introduced in 2.0.6

2013-08-16 2.0.6

Fix Checkout bug for unsupported browsers (for example IE7 and IE8)

2013-06-27 2.0.5

Fix bug for when OneID checkout stops because payment info was missing.

2013-06-25 2.0.4

Hide OneID Checkout button for unsupported IE browsers

2013-06-20 2.0.3

Fix a lot of usability issues with OneID Checkout.

2013-06-12 2.0.2

Make the Quickfill for payment form more generic. to work with forms.

2013-06-11 2.0.1

Fix styling for "Already have an account here" OneID link scenario.

2013-06-11 2.0.0

Update Magento Commerce Extension to work with OneID 2.0.

Faster Button Drawing, and newer attribute syntax.

2013-02-14 1.0.12

FIx issue with OneID checkout and missing fields.

2013-02-07 1.0.11

Fix missing fields option on OnePage checkout

2013-02-05 1.0.10

Refactor the changes made to Onepage checkout to mostly one block.

2013-01-28 1.0.9

Add in a README.txt, open up to Magento 1.6

2013-01-22 1.0.8

OneID Sign In refactored into a block (to be used in custom themes easier)

2013-01-22 1.0.7

OneID Sign In refactored into a block (to be used in custom themes easier)

2013-01-21 1.0.6

Figuring out packaging

2013-01-21 1.0.5

Fix the login page

2013-01-18 1.0.4

Fix the login page

2013-01-17 1.0.3

Deployment issues

2013-01-17 1.0.2

Deployment issues

2013-01-16 1.0.1

Fix method typo in Helper

2013-01-16 1.0.0

First release including : OneID sign in, OneID checkout, OneID quickfill (for onepage checkout)