
Magento Extension
Download latest - 1.1.0

With this product Enquiry Magento Extension, customer can submit Enquiry and ask question about any product.

While buying product online, mostly customers have many doubt and questions and no one is present there physically to answer their questions, many customer do not prefer to purchase the product if they have any doubt regarding the product.

Thus to resolve this problem, product Enquiry extension is used. Its act same like your customer care center for your online shopping. If the customer satisfies by getting their question’s answered, customer won’t hesitate to buy the product.

This feature is added to delight the customer by adding the additional advantage by solving the queries and questions of customers. It simplifies the decision making of the customer about the product.

Releases (4)

Date Version Notes
2015-10-08 1.1.0

Locale Translate file added

2015-09-28 1.0.2

Email template added

2015-06-05 1.0.1

Optimize the Code

2015-04-01 1.0.0

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