
Magento Extension
Download latest - 1.0.4

This module enables Merchants to receive Visa, Kenswitch and M-pesa payments on their Magento Website through Paysure Gateway.
Visit for more about Paysure

Releases (5)

Date Version Notes
2013-10-29 1.0.4

Receive Visa, Kenswitch and M-pesa payments on your Magento Website through Paysure Gateway.
Contact the developer at

2013-10-18 1.0.3

Receive Visa, Kenswitch and M-pesa payments on your Magento Website through Paysure Gateway.
Contact the developer at

2013-10-17 1.0.2

Receive Visa, Kenswitch and M-pesa payments on your Magento Website through Paysure Gateway.
Contact the developer at

2013-01-26 1.0.1

MageKenya Visa and Kenswitch Payment Module for Paysure Gateway

2013-01-26 1.0.0

MageKenya Visa and Kenswitch Payment Module for Paysure Gateway