
Magento Extension
Download latest - 1.0.6

A Perfect solution to showcase product back image on category product listing pages.

With online shopping perfect showcase of your catalog is must necessarily outstanding to increase sales & user experience. We setubridge has right solution for merchant who wants to display products back image on category listing page. Our extension will seamlessly add functionality to display back product image on product image hover action by customer. Additionally you can control same functionality for upsell, cross sell & related products by option control in backend configuration.

Extension Features
Display back image when customer hover on product image
Complete Configuration panel to control extension working from admin panel
Enable back hover image functionality for related,upsell & cross sell products using backend configuration

Technical Standards
Follow Extension Development guideline
No Additional changes required for extension to work
Direct filter in Moreviews to load back button image rather than ugly looping concept

Releases (7)

Date Version Notes
2015-11-05 1.0.6

  • SUPEE-6788 supported
  • 2015-07-04 1.0.5

  • Removed override list file and insert block automatically in magento 1.9

  • We have added an functionality of resizing a product image in listing page.

  • Bug Fixes
  • 2015-04-28 1.0.4

  • ACL admin role support

  • Bug Fix
  • 2014-08-07 1.0.3

    Added support for Magento 1.9

    2014-03-15 1.0.2

    First Release.

    2014-03-13 1.0.1

    First Release.

    2014-03-11 1.0.0

    First Release.