
Magento Extension
Download latest - 1.1.0

Extension modifies checkout process in the following way:

if free shipping is the only method avaliable in the store configuration, it removes shipment method selection step completely.

it finds all shipment methods that are avaliable for the selected shipment address and steps over shippment method selection if free shippment is the only method avaliable.

For multishipping checkout this must be true for all addresses in checkout.

If free shipment is the only configured method and shipment address is not eligible for the free delivery, extension notifies the customer using a message box.

Releases (1)

Date Version Notes
2011-11-16 1.1.0

This version does not remove some links like "change shippment method" even if there is nothing to change.
This behaviour is kept as original on purpose - to avoid complicated changes in template files and thus escape from any involvement into the store design process.