
Magento Extension
Download latest - 1.0.3


Ensure you have latest version of Magento extension installed
Unzip and upload contents of the extension to your magento root directory
Activate the extension through Administration > System > Configuration > Advance menu in Magento
Make sure 'Putler_PutlerConnector' is listed on this page.


Go to Administration > System > Configuration > Putler > Settings

This is where you need to enter Putler API Token and Putler Email Address to sync your past Magento transactions to Putler and start tracking Magento transactions with Putler.

Enter your Putler Email Address.
Enter your Putler API Token which you will get once you add a new account "Putler Inbound API" in Putler
Click on "Save & Send Past Orders to Putler" to send all the Magento past orders to Putler.

All past orders will be sent to Putler. New orders will be automatically synced.

Where to find your Putler API Token?

Sign up for a free account at: Putler
Download and install Putler on your desktop
Add a new account - select "Putler Inbound API" as the account type
Note down the API Token and copy the same API Token in Putler Connector Settings

Releases (3)

Date Version Notes
2014-08-01 1.0.3

+ Checked compatibility with PHP 5.5.14
+ Change time format

2014-07-10 1.0.2

+ Enhancements

2014-03-12 1.0.0

This is an initial version of a Magento Putler Connector which will send Magento orders data to Putler and you will get insightful statistics about your store and business