
Magento Extension
Download latest - 1.0.6

Easy Extension to showcase Recent Review for store products along with product image.

Customer reviews are massively important in current ecommerce business to sell your products. People expects review for products before they actually buy products online.

We setubridge has optimum solution for merchants who wants to showcase products reviews to promot products. We have easy, quick & flexible solution to display recent store products review in sidebars. Alogn with recent review sidebar widget, extension comes up with backend configurations interface which allows admin to make selection for review sidebar display. Admin can choose number of reviews & position of review sidebar to be display from admin configuration. Please go through below some highlighted feature for extension

This Recent Review Sidebar extension allows you to display latest reviews on your store at sidebar - Right or Left on any pages which contains sidebar.
By displaying like this you get the attention of your customers to recently reviewed product.

Recent Product Product Extension Features
Instantly enable/display sidebar widget from admin panel
Showcase Recent review in sidebar
Display Product image along with review & Direct link to land on product detail page
Admin controls to display Review sidebar in Left OR Right Sidebar using backend configuration.
Limit Number of reviews to be display in sidebar
Display rating summary
Optimized code to load reviews to keep performance graph up
Easy installation & Configuration

Technical Standards
Follows Extension Development Guideline
Compatible with Latest Magento community additions
Follows Magento Coding standards

Releases (6)

Date Version Notes
2015-11-07 1.0.6

  • SUPEE-6788 supported
  • 2015-05-21 1.0.5

  • Bug Fixes and imrovement
  • 2015-04-28 1.0.4

  • ACL admin role support

  • Bug Fix
  • 2014-10-01 1.0.3

    Minior bug

    2014-08-07 1.0.2

    Added support for Magento 1.9

    2014-03-26 1.0.0

    First release