
Magento Extension
Download latest - 1.0.1

If you ship with UPS or FedEx you cannot afford to not use Refund Retriever. We are a full service small parcel and freight auditing company: we audit all of your packages for lateness and general billing mistakes. If any package (even ground) is delivered late, you should get a full refund for that package! We get you full refunds for late delivered packages, and we give insight into your discounts and shipping habits.

Get refunds and save money with:

Late delivered packages
Bogus address corrections
Incorrect surcharges
Duplicate charges, & much more
Small Parcel Benchmarking (Free!!)
Numerous Reports and Analytics (Cost Per Pound Shipped, 3rd Party Billing)

Let's say a package is scheduled to arrive on a Tuesday, but gets to the destination on Wednesday ... Refund Retriever gets you a full refund for that package. Our system is independent of any of your shipping software, all we need is access to invoices online. In addition to savings on your current invoices, our reporting features provide many money-saving insights into your shipping habits and discounts.

Our fee is strictly performance based, if we save you nothing we charge you nothing. There are no monthly fees or contract length; if you don't like our service just call or email and we discontinue our service.

Releases (1)

Date Version Notes
2014-06-07 1.0.1

Version 1.0.1 includes the following capability:

- automated signup for the Refund Retriever service
- active monitoring of UPS/FedEx account changes and updating Refund Retriever accordingly
- automatic login to the Refund Retriever Account Center, which is rendered as an iFrame inside of the Magento admin interface