
Magento Extension
Download latest - 2.0.1

Respondr is a B2C CRM with powerful e-commerce features, including marketing automation and e-commerce analytics. Increase your online revenue with automated email, mobile, and social messaging driven by your web analytics. Respondr makes it easy to re-engage your customers and bring them back to your store. Creating and managing abandoned cart, product recommendation, and cross-sell email marketing has never been easier. You can also send coupons and promotions via SMS/MMS, Facebook and more!

Releases (10)

Date Version Notes
2015-10-31 2.0.1

Enabled guest checkout.

2015-10-02 2.0.0

Upgrade to support Respondr Analytics API v2

2014-09-24 1.0.7

Minor bug fix

2014-09-24 1.0.6

Minor bug fix

2014-09-18 1.0.5

- Added Mage/Core/Helper/Cookie.php to the package to make it compatible with 1.5.

2014-09-03 1.0.4

- Improvement to the way we query for optin status

2014-08-25 1.0.3

- Minor refactoring.

2014-07-03 1.0.2

- Remove need to provide Auth Token .

2014-07-03 1.0.1

- Minor bug fix to get ecommerce orders tracking correctly.
- Added support for syncing optin status with Respondr.

2014-04-29 1.0.0

This extension is based on Adrian Speyer's magento extension for Piwik, which can be found at