
Magento Extension
Download latest - 2.3.8

SearchSpring improves the default Magento site search. Providing merchants with flexible, learning technology that enhances site search functionality, optimizes product results in real-time, allows for custom navigation, automates product SEO and provides fully configurable merchandising. Shoppers will find your products quickly and easily, generating repeat visits and increased sales!

Releases (21)

Date Version Notes
2016-03-08 2.3.8

Fixed issue that caused feed generation to break for bundle products with options that don't yet have selections.

2015-12-15 2.3.7

Fixed issue that could cause random missing and duplicate products in the bulk feed generation.

2015-11-03 2.3.5

Allow Sales Report Operation to specify zero/empty number to indicate it should be disabled altogether.

2015-10-28 2.3.4

Moving back to

2015-10-26 2.3.2

Live Indexing setting verbage change. Changing to

2015-09-21 2.3.1

Instead of calling the product_visibility model, we'll just go back to directly filtering the collection on the 'visibility' attribute.

2015-08-31 2.2.0

Added ability to override config when using LiveIndexer service to push product/category ids.

2015-08-03 2.0.12

Allow all unicode characters to pass through into feed and live indexing response data.

2015-07-17 2.0.9

Added untouched Final Price field to the feed data
Changed attribute value rendering for attributes with a 'date' input type, to always return the raw value

2015-07-16 2.0.8

Allowed for passing image file to image helper to override image.
Added Product Review count to feed data.
Limiting configurable options labels based on simple product stock availability, this applies when the corresponding setting: 'Display out of stock products' is set to yes.

2015-06-08 2.0.6

Fixed server error when encountering products with no stock_item when counting inventory.

2015-05-26 2.0.5

Fixed ajax feeds url on config page not pointing to beta

2015-04-28 2.0.4

Removed usage of PHP 'short tags'

2015-03-30 2.0.3

Added a profiler output option to our API controller

2015-03-09 2.0.2

Fixed issue with older Mage versions not calling API when connecting site to SMC
Fixed type-o: Api2 not Api3

2015-03-09 2.0.1

Catch errors from OAuth exceptions
Show OAuth only if available

2015-03-04 2.0.0

Support for multi-store installations
Fixed categories from other stores being exported in feed
Added support for registering store/installation specific URLs with the SearchSpring account feed settings.

2015-02-13 1.10.2

Feed generation optimization, resized image fetching.

2015-02-11 1.10.0

Added configuration for the product feed sales data timespan settings
Fixed the TBT Rewards Feed Operation
Changed the way product visibility filter works, allowing implicit Catalog/Search visibilities
Fixed issue where optional dropdown type attributes, that weren't set, were exporting as 'No'

2015-02-05 1.9.0

Speed Optimizations for Feed Regeneration
Better Root Category skipping logic
Added Support for Amasty Labels
Added Support for TBT Rewards (product earnable points)
Added Support for product qty sales data

2014-09-30 1.1.0

Bringing Live Indexing up to stable state