
Magento Extension
Download latest - 1.0.7

Sendmachine's official extension will enable you to:

Set up subscribe popup

After you've successfully connected to the extension (using your sendmachine API credentials) you can configure a subscribe popup modal to allow your customers to easily subscribe to one of your contact lists.

Import/Export subscribers

You want to send emails to all your users but don't know how? Well, don't worry, we can help you with that. After you've successfully selected a contact list, you can use the "Export to sendmachine" button, to export all your subscribers to your sendmachine account in the selected contact list. If you want to send a campaign from your magento store, there's an "Import to newsletter" button that imports all your sendmachine subscribers (from the selected list) to your magento newsletter subscribers tab. If you have multiple stores you can import/export subscribers to a specific store instead of all.

Send emails through our services

No need for nasty, geeky configurations. Just insert your API credentials and you are good to go. Also, make sure that "enable email sending" is set to on. If you set a from email that doesn't already exist in your sendmachine account as a sender address, a confirmation email will be generated and sent to that address. Not quite sure if you've done everything right? You can test if everything is ok by sending a test email. If you got the mail, you can sit back and relax: you've done it, otherwise something went wrong.

Send transactional emails

Using our services you can now monitor an email's activity (opens, clicks, geolocations, user agents). In order to enable this option, after you install our extension, go to "email" tab, set "Use transactional emails" to "yes" and mark the email areas that you want you want to be transactional and that's it.

Releases (8)

Date Version Notes
2017-04-19 1.0.7

Fixed inheritance problems

2017-04-13 1.0.6

List cache refresh fix.

2017-04-12 1.0.5

Minor debug fixes

2016-12-22 1.0.4

Enhanced compatibility with lower versions of PHP

2016-07-13 1.0.3

Stable release. Included multistore support. List minor fix

2016-07-13 1.0.2

Stable release. Included multistore support. List minor fix

2016-07-13 1.0.1

Stable release. Included multistore support.

2015-09-08 1.0.0

Fist stable release.